UPDATE June 4th 2004 : This news is a fake '>

Thursday 3 June 2004, by Anonymous :


Thursday 3 June 2004, by Anonymous :

I love Amy Acker but that’s kinda dumb... no no it’s really dumb. Texas chainsaw masacre was a true story and it’s one thing to do a remake... it’s a whole other ball game doing a sequel that never happened. Then to call it next generation and have the same premise as the first? Sounds like the same story. Oh well, I’ll still probably watch it cause it’s Amy.

Thursday 3 June 2004, by september :

Hopefully we won’t. This sounds dreadful! Yay, its work for Amy but..c’mon. A sequel of a remake? Cheesy. Also, TV/Movie Tome is as reliable a source as my dead chinchilla.

Thursday 3 June 2004, by anon :

hmmm.... i think she could do better (just my opinion)

Friday 4 June 2004, by steph :


i saw the remake of the texas chainsaw massacre with jessica beal. the movie was really gross. Personally, the only thing I liked was the jeans she wore for the entire movie (she has a really great butt). So, even if this sequel sucks, I hoping that Amy is wearing jeans like Jessica’s so I have something to look at other than the blood and stuff.

okay. cool. and yeah, I’m lame. ; )

Friday 4 June 2004, by Anonymous :

"Texas chainsaw masacre was a true story"

ummmm... you really need to do some research there. it is NOT a true story. There was no chainsaw! I Woulda thought people would know this by now!!

Friday 4 June 2004, by Anonymous :

It was NOT a true story. SOME of it was inspired by some true events but believe it certainly was NOT how the movie did it. Get real.

Friday 4 June 2004, by Thurisaz :

While I’m a proud member and editor at Movie/TV Tome, I have to agree with someone’s comment that it isn’t an entirely reliable source when it comes to unconfirmed information. But the fact that a second source, Whedonesque, backs this up, may mean that it’s a reality.

If it is, I’ll be very interested in seeing it. True, it doesn’t sound like it’s where her talent is best served, but work is work, and it’s better to see Amy in crap than not at all.

Sunday 6 June 2004, by Sammi :

YAY! It’ll be good to see Amy in another role other than Fred/Illyria!

Monday 7 June 2004, by topher :

The only thing taken from the real Gein case was the suit of skin. It didnt even take place in Texas nor was any of the victims killed with a chainsaw. The same killer was the inspiration for Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.

Yes this is based on a true story but its taken a lot of liberties

Monday 7 June 2004, by Anonymous :

Alright, let’s set things straight here. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, was in fact, based on a true story. BASED on a true story does not mean that the entire movie is the actual reliving of it. If no one has figured out that Hollywood likes to do this sort of thing by now, then I feel sorry for you. The original movie wasn’t entirely factual either. Ed Gein, the real killer, did not have a skin issue but he did wear the faces of his victims, no one has EVER said that there wasn’t a chainsaw involved. Then again, no one has really said that there was a chainsaw invloved but in reality, Ed Gein dug out the organs of his victims and wore their skin as suits and therefore, he could have used a chainsaw to do so. The murders happened to women around the area and began with a series of grave robbings by Gein. It happened in Plainfield, Wisconsin and Ed Gein has since passed away and is next to his psychopathic mother’s grave, he in an unmarked one. So did you guys know this was also the basis for the Hitchcock film "Psycho" too? I think it would be kind of corny to have a sequel to the remake but it also may be pretty cool. The news sounded cool but it’s fake so...

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