Monday 7 June 2004, by lunarangel :

Bravo!! I agree with you 100%, thank you for helping me to see things clearly!!

Monday 7 June 2004, by Anonymous :

Beautifully written. No matter how much someone may love SMG, it is impossible to argue with anything you’ve said. Truer words have never been spoken.

Monday 7 June 2004, by aceron99 :

All very good points. But one more point that you neglected: Cordelia. She was definitely around during the Scooby Gang’s sophomore year. Are they going to sign her too? I hope so. Charisma Carpenter, as Cordy, is almost always overlooked.

Tuesday 8 June 2004, by Anonymous :

Sorry, for me there is no Buffy without Sarah!! Joss Whedon plays a important role, but we must face that Sarah is essential!!

Tuesday 8 June 2004, by Anonymous :

perfictly stated. If this actualy happens I’ll deffinately be sitting in frount of my TV watching.

Tuesday 8 June 2004, by getmalled :

I’m not scared of Giselle Loren as buffy (her work on the videogame was award winning) and she has the buffy tone and pitch perfect. Angel and cordy, i hope they get the real actor’s to play them or at least very good sound-alike, but cordy wasn’t in the first season too much, she had one good line per episode and that’s about it and if they where able to get Alyson Hannigan i’d be shock if they couldn’t get David Boreanaz and Charisma Carpenter to do a voice tap from wherever they are right know. It’s hard to turn down 2 grand for 2 hour’s of work and most actor’s go to the soundbooth unbathed in the morning cause they can. So it may not be public yet but they’ll most likely get as many actor’s as they can.

Side Note: Charisma Carpenter and David Boreanaz both did there own voice’s in the videogame.

Tuesday 8 June 2004, by Anne :

i want the real thing........A Spike spinoff or movie!

Wednesday 9 June 2004, by Anonymous :

It won’t be the same!! Sarah rules!! I want her back!! I think it will be really Buffy only with her!!

Wednesday 9 June 2004, by alex_m :

id except a new buffy voice, i mean i own the game(the recent one) and GL does a good job. If SMG wont do it then my second choice would be GL. also i only have the second game, which does not feature Angel, but was he in the first game? if some what actor did his voice? DB?

Wednesday 9 June 2004, by alex :

id except a new buffy voice, i mean i own the game(the recent one) and GL does a good job. If SMG wont do it then my second choice would be GL. also i only have the second game, which does not feature Angel, but was he in the first game? if some what actor did his voice? DB?

Sunday 13 June 2004, by Liz :

hmmm...i don’t really know if Buffy : the Animated Series will be quite the same without Sarah Michelle Gellar being the voice of Buffy...but...then again...many animated series don’t have the actress of the main character be the voice for the character, like ’Sabrina the Teenage Witch’. I kinda hope that they don’t have have Dawn in the series if its set in season 3. I mean, no offense, but if the series is set in season 3, and you have Dawn, it wouldn’t seem like season 3. Just my opinion. But, i hope they get replacements for Sarah and David, or they just voice for Buffy and Angel.

Friday 18 June 2004, by lucas :

i’m excited. i really hope since it’s back in high school we might get to see oz again. i really miss the little wolf guy.

Saturday 19 June 2004, by Anonymous :

I hope Spike is in this series too and hope james marsters does the voice of spike.

Saturday 5 February 2005, by greg :

in sabrina the teenage witch, the aunts are actually voiced by melissa joan hart (on screen sabrina) and cartoon sabrina is voiced by the acress who played on sceen Amanda (sabrina’s cousin). turns out theyre sisters in real life. Buffy animated is going to be cool. firstly because it’s buffy secondly beacuse joss is involved, and thirdly, anything buffy related is awesome so this WILL be great!

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