Friday 18 June 2004, by Nora :

I became a Buffy fan around season six and didn’t become an Angel fan until mid season three. For the last season of Angel, I didn’t have a TV so I had to read transcripts. I cried when Fred died and Wesley died. Just the fact that a transcript of a show can have that much of an effect on someone is amazing. The Slayerverse may be dead on TV, but it will forever live on in the hearts of its many fans. Long live the world of Buffy!

Friday 18 June 2004, by James :

My fave thing in the show was Darla, Julie Benz was just amazing as her!

Friday 18 June 2004, by angels_1st_heartbeat :

Sadly, I have watched EVERY SINGLE episode of Buffy & Angel ...more than once. All I can say is that Angel surpassed Buffy in terms of dealing with the reality that is living. Despite being set in a completely unreal world, I think that we all relate to the innate humanity of the family of Angel. Angel is dead...long live Angel!

Sunday 20 June 2004, by Anonymous :

Doyle was my absolute fav character cause I related so much to him. Long live the spirit of Angel

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