Sunday 25 July 2004, by Anonymous :

They should have let this stuff stay up, it atleast proved people were still interested in the show after bringing in the "Evil Leaper" 13 episodes into your 1st season.

Sunday 25 July 2004, by Fortyseven :

I think what these assholes fail to understand is that spoilers will always exist regardless of the wishes of the people who "own the intellectual property". People who want them will seek them out. Folks that go to her site WANT to be spoiled. They just need to follow Joss’ thinking on it: don’t even bother fighting it. It’s a force of nature. Those that enjoy playing the spoiler/rumor game get their fix. Those that don’t want them also get theirs. Everyone wins. No scripts need be written on dark red paper. ;)

Besides, if your show is so popular that people actually erect websites to discuss it and spread info on future stuff before it’s released, MISSION FRICKIN’ ACCOMPLISHED, Fox. That means people care enough about your show to go the extra mile to immerse themselves in it. It’s not something you should be firing off generic C&D letters about.

I’m tired of this crap. I’m also tired of this excuse about how "you have to publically defend your property or you’ll lose it" nonsense. That system is broken. Fans need protection from these corporate legal strongarm tactics. We’re not the enemy, but we sure get treated like it sometimes.

Sunday 25 July 2004, by Mcatwag :

This is just crap. Fox, needs something to do with their freetime. Like maybe come out an answer Ancier’s accuisation that THE cancellation was their fault. Spoilerslayer, thank you for your hard work over the years.

Monday 26 July 2004, by krapnek :

Just lease server space/bandwidth from a non-US based company and FOX can’t do shit. Most countries have less restricted copyright laws (that applies to "digital" information) than the US.

Monday 26 July 2004, by Anonymous :

sooo lame.. shame on you fox!

Monday 26 July 2004, by Anonymous :

How about sending the letter back with "F*** YOU!!!" written in blood? :P

Monday 26 July 2004, by Schmemmm :

Agreed on all points. Thanks to Spoiler Slayer for keeping us in the know for years, you have been wonderful. I remember when they did this with X-files fan sites. It still angers me just as much now.

Monday 26 July 2004, by Anonymous :

"How about sending the letter back with "F*** YOU!!!" written in blood? :P "

I like the way you think! ^_^ but *sigh* I love spoiler slayer, I hope the site stays up.

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