Tuesday 27 July 2004, by TheSlayer246 :

Why are they so different from the other season’s prom. photos?These are just pics from the show, and set.In the other seasons, they had Bufffy & the characters posing.They would always have the scooby gang, together, but this year, there wasn’t any.Why?How come?

Thursday 29 July 2004, by Anonymous :

Season 7 was the only season not to take the traditional promotional photos. Which means the covers for the US season 7 set are gonna be a little strange, considering the past sets used mostly the promotional pictures to make up the box art.

Thursday 29 July 2004, by Anonymous :

On the US box set covers they will do what they did for out UK boxsets they uses season six promos of Buffy and they didi that inside as well.

Thursday 29 July 2004, by Anonymous :

These aren’t proper promotional photos, they’re just ones from the eps. I wonder why they never took any.

Friday 30 July 2004, by Gonzalo :

It sucks!. The only "posing" I saw were a photo of James and James (Clem & Spike), two of Sarah alone, one of D.B. (Principal Wood) , one with all the potentials (minus Courtnee), one with all the potentials who become Slayers (Iyari, Indigo, Felicia, Sarah and Kristy), and one with the main scooby survivors (Buffy, Willow, Dawn, Giles, Xander and Faith).

Was it so expensive to take a digital camera and take a two or three shots per cast member and two with the whole gang and then post it on the UPN site?

Sunday 8 August 2004, by Anonymous :

love the 7 One,Sarah looks like Goodness...well..she looks like that always...

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