Monday 2 August 2004, by Maarten :

Maybe Sarah is right about that, although I really think Joss can do this (what can’t he do?!) And I would really love to see Xander, Willow and Buffy again! Anyway, I still hope that there’s going to be a Buffy movie, ’cause I really think Joss can pull this of!

Monday 2 August 2004, by aerialla :

Once again I think SMG is wrong. Anyone ever heard of Star Trek. Besides the Buffy/Angel thing is just about her, there are many extremely talented stars behind Buffy and Angel not just SMG.

If anyone could come up with a plot driven story that would have a good ending and stay in touch with the characters and still only take 2 hours it would be Joss Whedon.

I think Buffy ended well, but Angel’s ending sucked there are too many holes in that story line that I would like to see finished.

I say if there are cast members from both shows that are interested in doing a movie or 4 and a good script is there then let them do it. They don’t need SMG’s permission to do Buffy as was proven with Angel.

Monday 2 August 2004, by Anonymous :

Very smart answer because to be honest i think that smg doesn’t want to play buffy any more

Tuesday 3 August 2004, by WhendonVerseFan :

WB asked JW to make movieS, so the point of 1 2 hour movie is moot, as for the cast, DB said he would do it if they "Rasied the bar" which they have done. SMG just said she would do it, JM, AA, and a few of the buffy cast have all showed there intrest in one way or the other..

It seems to me that the only person who is holding this up is JW..

Tuesday 3 August 2004, by Anonymous :

Actually, I think shes right. Anyone else feel that Chosen seemed rushed? You need time for the characters, which at least we did get with Angel’s finale. I agree that to make it about the characters and not the action, you’d need to have a trilogy. And that might not happen for a few years, what with Joss busy with Firefly. And certainly you have enough material with Illyria, Spike, Giles, Willow, etc... But whatever happens, it will be because of Joss and what he needs to happen with his Buffyverse. Not Sarah, not David. If theres more to be told, he’ll tell it.

Wednesday 4 August 2004, by Anonymous :


Wednesday 11 August 2004, by Anonymous :

If done right this could turn into something like what happened to Star Trek, where there were like 4 spin off’s a bunch of movies. The original show was back in the 60s, and now there’s still a spin off running (Star Trek: Enterprise) I think it would be really cool if they did the same thing with Joss’ Slayer Universe.

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