Friday 27 August 2004, by Anonymous :

Boo hoo. It’s so hard to be rich and famous, isn’ it?

Friday 27 August 2004, by Anonymous :

Im sorry but i really dont feel bad for them they get paid millions of dollars for doing one thing in about 5 months when most people have to work ever day until they retire and never make close to that. They picked to be an actor that just comes with the package so deal with it!!!!!

Friday 27 August 2004, by angie :

Are you serious?

SMG should keep her mouth shut indefinitely before she ostracizes what fans she has left.

I, for one, am sick her crying and whining about her life and her continuing distance from anything Buffy-related.

Saturday 28 August 2004, by joking11 :

I don’t blame them for the way they feel. It is one thing if they were complaining of fans, quite another that it is paparazzi. That particular branch of the "media" is like a bunch of pitbulls, they latch on to a star and won’t let go until they think they have a payable shot. They also have been known to run people off the road (Justin Timberlake as well as Princess Diana come to mind off the bat)all at the expense of that end all be all shot.

They sign up to entertain us; for most that does not include letting us in on their every friggin move. The one that has no business complaining is Nicole Richie.

The "media" and the people that think she or her pal Paris has anything to contribute to entertainment are the cause for the decline of TV

Saturday 28 August 2004, by Anonymous :

Geez people bitter much? I mean I would be annoyed to if their were cameras following me everywhere everyday of the week, but just annoyed i mean she does have to look in the bright side, she makes millions of dollars where as we the normal working citizens would take a life time to make what she does in one film. and she knows better, she knows it comes with the gig. BUT STILL guys, show some support, stop being such snappy crabbies.

Saturday 28 August 2004, by Percineas :

Everyone deserves inalienable rights. Even celebrities contrary to what some may believe. They’re not just "things" to ogle at. I respect these actors too much to demand they be on display 24/7.

Saturday 28 August 2004, by Anonymous :

First of all, I defy you to desire someone to take a picture of you getting gas, or taking a piss, or whatever. Shopping I can understand. But when your every move is catalogued by someone who decided that their whole life was going to center around taking pictures of you, tell me you wouldn’t be annoyed.

Second, while I really don’t pity the rich and famous, how would you feel about someone possibly vioalting your space to get a picture of you? It’d piss you off and you know it.

Saturday 28 August 2004, by SUZY Q :

Thats the price of fame....But the curtain thing a good idea if they want privacy....

Saturday 28 August 2004, by Mia the Vampire Slayer :

I just want to say that I saw the actual report on Access Hollywood (where this content is taken from), and I think that the paparazzi have taken things too far. Okay, so maybe one or two photographers taking a picture while you’re in a store, okay... but 12? (In some cases, that’s not an exaggeration.) Think about this, people. It’s not as if they’re across the street calmly taking photos, they’re up in the actor’s faces, pushing and shoving to try and get that "million-dollar" photo. It’s insanity. I don’t have anything wrong with some pictures being taken (say, FPJr & SMG on the BTVS set, for example), but do we really need pics of them trying on clothing, taking a drink of water, or filling up their vehicles with gas? (The last two are examples of pictures I’ve seen on this site alone.) How would you like it if you were mobbed while walking down the street? Celebrities are people too, and I think they deserve the respect of privacy, just like anyone else. I don’t just mean SMG, but all of them. Take photos from a magazine - that’s what they’re there for.

Saturday 28 August 2004, by angie :

I don’t care if they are getting groceries or whatever... these celebs began trying to sell their faces and images a long time before they became famous... now they got what they wanted... fame and millions of dollars, and now they want it to go away? Too damn bad.

I would get annoyed if someone followed me around taking my picture... difference? I don’t have an annual income that dwarf’s my entire state’s budget. If I was making money off my image, then I could get pissed, but who cares, I’d just shut the fuck up and sign my next check.

Hollywood and all those money-hungry celebs are in part to blame for the state of the media today, and now they can just shut the hell up and deal with it. Let me know if they come up with a real problem.

Feel sorry for them if you want, then go shell out another $8-10 for a ticket to another mediocre, if not awful, movie or just drop a "reasonable" $16.99 for a crappy CD.

Sunday 29 August 2004, by Anonymous :

I just want to say to the poster before you that you are a hypocrite. You are posting on an article relating to Sarah Michelle Gellar only to bitch. Everyone makes different amounts of money. CEO’s, doctors, factory workers. Nobody deserves to be stalked no matter what you insane freak.

Monday 30 August 2004, by angie :

whatever dude... doctors and such aren’t selling their image and their face to anyone with a dollar. there is a substantial difference between CEO’s and other educated professionals and actors, and also between your definition of stalking and mine.

actors are whining cry-babies who want all the attention available until they get enough money that they don’t need the camera anymore, then they expect it all to go away — too damn bad.

no one deserves to be "stalked" as you put it, but to say they are being "stalked" when they are shopping or eating or something degrades any person who has really had a true stalker. stalking is a serious crime and people talking about like this makes it that much harder to get it taken seriously in the courts.

quit exaggerating the "desperate" lives of actors who have to deal with paparrazi... give me a freaking break. and by the way, you bigass pussy, at least i put my name on my opinion, and i don’t personally bash others for their opinions, no matter how much i may disagree with the ridiculous nature of them.

Monday 30 August 2004, by angie :

and another thing, a hypocrite? evidently you need a dictionary, too, pussy.

Monday 30 August 2004, by Anonymous :

It seems to me that she (smg) was asked her opinion on the matter and she gave it. She’s not going around complaining randomly, they asked and she told them how she felt about being followed around by paparazzi. You don’t honestly think she’s going to say she enjoys being constantly photographed when she’s shopping, pumping gas etc.

Monday 30 August 2004, by Anonymous :

Why does Angie care so much. Does she just love watching celebrites getting harassed. I don’t think that it is too much to ask. Why does the public care what Sarah Michelle Gellar does in her spare time. Also, I do believe Sarah has had a stalker. It probably makes her nervous to have strangers taking pictures of her all the time. That is why celebrities hire body gaurds.

Tuesday 31 August 2004, by Anonymous :

It is true, that some actors go into it for fame and to "sell their image" but some go into it to act. I think that obviously you have a hatred toward celebrities, Angie, and I think that you are a hypocrite because obviously you watch television because you are posting on a Buffy site. If you hate celebrites so much, why don’t you boycott television?

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