Saturday 4 September 2004, by dustman39000 :

buffybot is hott

Saturday 4 September 2004, by Anonymous :

What really annoys me about that picture is it’s NOT the Buffybot. It’s Buffy from Once More with Feeling.

I don’t know what’s more pitiful, me for knowing a picture is of Buffy and not the Buffybot or them for not knowing or caring and putting the wrong picture up anyway.

It also annoys me when people do Spuffy videos then use shots of Spike and the bot. I find that very nonsexy. It would be like showing Spike and a blowup dolls. It’s not the same thing as Spike and Buffy. At all.

Saturday 4 September 2004, by Fortyseven :

Well, it might not be a pic of the "real" BuffyBot, but they sure did get the details far more correct than I’d expected for a fluff piece.

Saturday 4 September 2004, by Anonymous :

How could they forget the magnificent El Diablo Robotico?

Sunday 5 September 2004, by Anonymous :

how could they put the tuxedo at number 2?! that was one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen, and the tuxedo wasn’t even that cool!

Monday 6 September 2004, by Fortyseven :

Is anyone else feeling creeped out that they’re giving free advertising to ’Pluto Nash’? :D

Monday 29 November 2004, by Anonymous :

I find it ironic that there are 2 pictures of sarah michelle gellar on the page...

These comments are an anwser to this article : Sky Magazine Top 10 Robots - BuffyBot is #5

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