Sunday 12 September 2004, by Anonymous : why would she? she was quoted twice as being against plastic surgery. and the fotos look pretty much the same to me. the widness is because of the foto size. duh.Sunday 12 September 2004, by D’arcy : Or she could be, hum... how do you say it? Oh, yes! Fatter. What sort of an idiot would put implants on her cheeks if she looked like ED? In fact, just exactly who would do such a thing? She looked gorgeous a couple of years ago, why on Earth would she ruin her own body through plastic surgery? She just grew older and gained some weight. Big deal. Get over it already...Sunday 12 September 2004, by Cala : Oh Please! She just put on some weight! No surgery needed there!Sunday 12 September 2004, by puppet : This is the stupidest thing I have read. Eliza has just put on weight and is more chubby.Sunday 12 September 2004, by AngelFan17 : That makes me sad...Sunday 12 September 2004, by Anonymous : do people not realize your cheeks will look bigger if you put on a bit of weight (which, is not actually a bad thing!)?? i doubt she had plastic surgery- there is hardly any change on those pictures except the fact she’s put on a small amount of weight making her face look healthier. also of course the lighting is different in the pictures which also can make her look different.Sunday 12 September 2004, by Anonymous : That seems like alot of bullshit to me. The first picture is cleary 2000 (maybe 2001 as it states) and she was very young. The 2nd picture, however, looks like a newer picture of Eliza, and I do believe it is 100% maturity. Whoever wrote this artice, it seems, needs to be some better research. My guess would be that he/she gathered there "information" from various images on the internet. Sunday 12 September 2004, by redemption_seeker : does anyone else notice that she was a lot tanner? who ever wrote that was stupid...yeah she put on some weight that’s probably a reason to but she still looks good...GO ELIZA! next they’ll be say she was abducted by aliens...*crickets chirp* okay that was lame...anyways yeah..don’t diss eliza peopleSunday 12 September 2004, by Anonymous : If that’s the best comparison they can come up with, then I think it speaks volumes about how little Eliza has changed over the years.Sunday 12 September 2004, by angel of salvation : wow...i think it’s like...cause she tanner in one pic..and her hair is not so much pulled back as well...either way...SHE STILL LOOKS F***ING HOT! yeah...anyways...i don’t think she did get Plastic Surgery...i see no difference other than she is smiling more in the second picture...but that’s just my opinionSunday 12 September 2004, by Anonymous : maybe she has, but she cud just look differentSunday 12 September 2004, by Galen : Honestly, she looks better as she is. Nothing wrong with some meat on her bones, if anything it makes her look healthier. Why would people get plastic surgery to make themselves larger, anyway? Seems to defeat the purpose when you consider that surgery generally tends to make people look smaller, or younger, or whatever. Considering her vehemence aginst plastic surgery, why would she go against that and actually have cosmetic work done? That would ruin her credibility. Honestly people... naw. No work has been done, and if anything that bit of maturity makes her look more beautiful. I’ve never been a fan of the skin-and-bones look myself. Sunday 12 September 2004, by Jaime : What a striking difference! (That was sarcasm, BTW.) She hasn’t had any work done—it’s obviously either a weight gain or her bone structure changing from hello! maturity. Many peoples’ face shape changes in their late teens, early twenties. And aside from that she’s totally against plastic surgery and she’s just too confident and gorgeous to even bother. Someone’s just trying to discredit her. We love you, Eliza!!! Sunday 12 September 2004, by Jen : Um... She looks the same to me the only difference is she is smiling more in the 2nd pic...Sunday 12 September 2004, by bunnies_frighten_me : 1 - she looks better in the first pic!! 2 - the only difference i see is the skin colour from the sun exposure 3 - why is she on the site ? even if she has had surgery its damn good!!! 4 - if she has had it, good for her!! i personally cant wait to have my first round of surgery Monday 13 September 2004, by Thurisaz : I agree with what everyone else has said - she just seems to have more dimples in the second image because she’s simply smiling more. Other than that, I see no difference that could not be attributed to weight or a tan. Just who the bugger are these people who seemingly do nothing but look at photos of celebrities and speculate if they’ve had plasitc surgery? Tis a waste of time. Monday 13 September 2004, by SUZY Q : NO NO NO shes has had NO Plastic Surgery done too her face....the only diffrence is she has a tan in the 2nd picture and shes smiling........Monday 13 September 2004, by ausie000 : i think shes just put on a little weight and got a tanTuesday 14 September 2004, by J2U : Wintertime day makeup, Summertime night makeup, with tan. Plus the roundness most humans develop with maturity and regular meals. Yes,stupid rumors!Tuesday 14 September 2004, by Anonymous : Oh puh-lease! Eliza hasn’t had any work done! I’m pretty sure the 2nd pic is a newer one. She has just fatten up a bit and grown up. Maybe she didn’t even "got a tan", it could be just the picture’s brightness/contrast. Get a clue silly people!Wednesday 15 September 2004, by BadGirl-Faith : Oh, Please, people... Take a good look, Her whole face looks like she’s gained a bit oh weight. So ridiculous rumourMonday 20 September 2004, by Fiona : What absolute crap! Who makes up this stuff? She’s just got a bit older and filled out a tiny bit. "Noticeable difference" my arse! I do think her face has changed quite a bit, but only in the way most normal humans do, esp. during late teens/early twenties. Eliza’s always impressed me as being one of the few actresses (and women) who seems really confident and happy with herlooks.Wednesday 30 March 2005, by germ : And, and these pics are supposed to support your argument? You’re far reaching here, and it doesn’t quite pan out.Saturday 23 April 2005, by Anonymous : no.. shes just smiling more in the later picture.. plus people change as they get older. thats retarded people are jumping to conclusions like thatSunday 24 April 2005, by Anonymous : Well, lately she’s looking pretty pale, and I still think her nose looks a little different. She just gained weight in her face, which is why it looks different. Although, I don’t know about her nose.Saturday 25 February 2006, by Anonymous : I think this is a really really really stupid thing to accuse Eliza of because she is so against it herself why would she go ahead and go under the knife if she hated it so much? Eliza looked perfect before hand and she still looks perfect now. Nobody in their right mind would go in and get implants on their cheeks unless it was a dream of theirs they have been waiting to do forever! I have liked Eliza for around 6 - 7 years now maybe even longer and it is so horrible when you read things like this that is dragging her through the mud. Don’t you agree? She has maybe gained a lil’ weight and there is absoloutly nothing wrong with that because it just shows she looks after herself and that she isn’t one of these stupid hollywood stars that starve themselves to be skinny a lil’ bit of weight is better than being ill just to be noticed. And in my opinion its stars ike Eliza that actually look sexy which get more attention don’t you think? Anyways i have blabbed on long enough and to the point... I think Eliza is amazing and i love her and she HAS NOT HAD IMPLANTS OR A NOSE JOB lol And i know the majority of you people out there agree with me...Friday 21 July 2006, by shannon : How about maybe she gained some weight....Saturday 22 July 2006, by Jessica : The only thing noticebly different in these pictures is the tan.Saturday 22 July 2006, by Anonymous : its the same nose......she is just tan in that pictureFriday 4 August 2006, by Michelle, Boston, MA : Eliza clearly did not have surgery—she just grew up a bit and gained a little weight. You can tell if you compare full-body shots of her in 1999 (when she started on Buffy) and 2003 (Season 7) or now. She’s was and is very sexy, and I think her beauteous curves make her stand out even more amongst the sickly, disgusting Barbie-Doll lookalikes. And it also makes her dimples more emphatic, which I think makes her even cuter. So I say Eliza looks great!Wednesday 23 August 2006, by Anonymous : now she looks kinda ugly and weird looking ... why would she do that she was gorgeous before !its too bad that she did that ...Sunday 10 June 2007, by thechosen one : thats the most ludicrous idea ive heard n seen .. the faces r the same except she has a bit of healthy looking weight that makes her face look fuller and livelier! so i say its great that shes looking so good n stop tryin 2 make people get sick with stupid paparazzi ideas! Friday 20 March 2009, by alias : seriously???? get a damn life and leave people like her alone... you want to trash someone look at the people who are ALWAYS in the tabs.These comments are an anwser to this article : Eliza Dushku - The Latest Plastic Surgery Victim ?