Wednesday 15 September 2004, by Anonymous :

nooo, they cant do that...its the best show they have.

Wednesday 15 September 2004, by Anonymous :

I might have my facts wrong so please correct me.

Were Mutant Enemy oruiginally planing a Faith-The Vampire Slayer on-going TTV show but plans were dropped as Eliza Dushku got a "crazy phat" deal from Fox?

Here goes my thinking. If Tru Calling is no more, why not develop a Spike & Faith show....if there are any more Buffyverse shows in the works???


Thursday 16 September 2004, by Anonymous :

NO WAY!!!! THEY..TEHY::::F**king Can’t!!! No...i don’t wan to belive it...

Thursday 16 September 2004, by Wish Me Monsters :

Everyone who wants Tru to survive needs to go out and buy the season 1 DVD’s when they come out in the US on November 30. Moving the premier to Jan would actually be good if everyone gets time to try the show and get hooked.

Friday 17 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Something has to be done about this reality crap. It’s knocking off all my favorite shows...first buffy, angel, now Tru Calling. Is Charmed next? I hope not. I watch TV to escape the real world....not watch the real world.

This sucks!!!!

Sunday 19 September 2004, by SUZY Q :

I was just getting into the show "True calling" its soon to be no more...that sucks.

Tuesday 21 September 2004, by Anonymous :

I honestly don’t care if it gets cancelled, I won’t be watching either way. I watched more than half of the first season, but looking back on it, I don’t know why... Tru is a pretty trashy show, really, and Eliza is the only real draw for me.

And maybe if she loses "Tru", Joss can talk her into that Faith on a bike spinoff... or Faith on a biker, optionally, but that might be more suited for the adult film industry.

Sunday 26 September 2004, by Darren :

Yeah?! Well I dont care if your FACE gets cancelled alright?!?! Tru Calling is kickass. A Faith spin-off would rule, but i dont see it happening at all... Ah well, that last poster before me was a crank. The guff should keep their crap opinions to themselves. So stick that in your pipe and eat it you flump!

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