Sunday 26 September 2004, by Gonzalo :

cause thats practically the only thing Charmed has to offer.

Sunday 26 September 2004, by Vince :

damn right

Sunday 26 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Charmed is not about that at all, it’s about 3 sisters who are witches and guess what it got pcked up while Angel got cancled you know why? Cos Charmed’s better that’s why.

Sunday 26 September 2004, by Danae :

"Charmed is not about that at all, it’s about 3 sisters who are witches and guess what it got pcked up while Angel got cancled you know why? Cos Charmed’s better that’s why."

*sigh* And ya know what? Your sorry ass post is why you were an annonymous poster. Whoever you need to remember YOUR ON A BLOODY ANGEL WEBSITE! Not a freakin Charmed one. And no, that’s not the reason Angel was cancelled...if you had the slightest bit of brains you would know that. Angel was cancelled because...well the reason is kinda unknown because everyone has their own theories, but the network said that the show cost to much and they were’nt getting enough new viewers. Which is complete and total bull. And just so you know......Charmed is gonna get cancelled at the end of the year. COUNT ON IT. So take your negative ass out of here.

And Charisma does look beautiful.

Sunday 26 September 2004, by Anonymous :

charmed, better than angel..? umm.. no. it was only good during season 1, then it got, ugh..awful. it’ll never die, just like 7th heaven..make it go away!

Sunday 26 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Charmed is just Friends with witches...

Monday 4 October 2004, by Pip :

charmed better than angel? HAHA. where did that come from? I liked her performance in the episode, though she could have done so much better if they had given her the opportunity...she does have talent. and the looks is totally on her side as well. her stomach looks perfect here. *runs to do sit ups*

Sunday 16 January 2005, by charisma is teh sex :

Dude.. Angel is like WAY better than Charmed... And I agree that 7th heaven should die.. its boring... theres alot of shows that suck ass but THEY dont get cancelled but ANGEL does.... Basterds..

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