Sunday 3 October 2004, by Anonymous :

That is just...depressing...kinda see his point, though... i kind of thought Spike was like Angel’s purpose- angel was driven to, in a sense, beat spike at everything, like we saw in Damage...

Monday 4 October 2004, by lord byron :

Logically, it seems Angel proved alot more than Spike, but Spike’s instant likeability and rouge additude make him more "popular" with legions of Buffy/Angel fans, which I understand, but logic holds up. Essentially, when Angel is presented with signing away any chance of the Shanshu, I don’t find it suicidal- though Angel knows he’s going to die, in the end- I see it as Angel sacrificing himself for the good of others, (see also the season 1 episode "hero" in which Angel is more than willing to die just to save homeless but innocent demons) by giving up the one thing he really wants, much like he gave up Connor at the end of Season 4. Did it make him happy? No- but it was for other’s benefit. This could actually be the Power’s final test. If Spike had been presented in the same situation- and I like Spike- he would not have done the same thing. Simply put, he would have said the hell with this and launched up, swords clashing. Also, one thing about the Angel/Spike soul thing that I’ve really never understood and noone has ever touched on is; when Angelus gets a soul he essentially became a seperate person.

This is touched upon several times; first, at the end of Season 2 of BTVS when Willow restores his soul, he seems to not remember what is going on or where he is before Buffy runs him through; and the somewhat-literal battle of Angel and Angelus in Season 4 lends more weight to this. Spike is essentially the same, regardless of the soul, and it makes me think that perhaps his circumstances aren’t the same AT ALL, and possibly he doesnt have a pure soul like Angel’s.

Hmmm. Well, when it comes down to it? The real reason Spike got a soul is because the Buffy writers just weren’t very original.

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Spike didn’t choose to change, he was forced to.

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by Anonymous :

spike was forced to change? ANGEL had the soul FORCED upon him. Enough with the’re just embarrassing yourself.

Wednesday 6 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I never said Angel wasn’t forced to change, becuase he was. But Spike would never have tried to reform if he hadn’t had that chip in his brain. If not for the chip, then Spike would still be evil. And only until after he got the chip did we see the compassionate Spike in Flashbacks because the writers had to cover their backs and explain why he was that way when all the flashbacks we had seen up until that time were of him as very evil.

Wednesday 6 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I have several issues with this review. It brings up many good points, but there is one major thing I cannot support: your analysis of Angel and Spike. I know that’s basically the whole review, and, while a well written argument, I cannot believe that Angel’s whole role in Buffyverse - eight years of fighting the good fight and striving for redemption and all that rot - amounts to being a pedestal for Spike to stand on. Angel’s entire purpose, his entire reason for being, was to simply set Spike up for the Shanshu? That’s just ridiculous and insulting. It reduces Angel’s character to a mere propeller, an instrument, meant to ultimately show Spike to his destiny. It’s like saying, "So long, Angel. You’re dead, it took eight years, but now the more charismatic Spike can finally take your place as the souled vampire fighting for redemption. And, when Spike ultimately becomes human, he’ll spit on your dust and memory and go off to Rome to marry Buffy and all will be right with the world."

Friday 8 October 2004, by smeagol :

unfortanely this guy seems to have stepped into a hole in the world. he’s got all the pieces and even understands someof them, but came up with the opposite and wrong answer. he came up with a hole instead of the fufillment of 5 years leads towards one end.

Wednesday 13 October 2004, by Juanita :

" never said Angel wasn’t forced to change, becuase he was. But Spike would never have tried to reform if he hadn’t had that chip in his brain. If not for the chip, then Spike would still be evil. And only until after he got the chip did we see the compassionate Spike in Flashbacks because the writers had to cover their backs and explain why he was that way when all the flashbacks we had seen up until that time were of him as very evil."

And if it weren’t for the Gypsies, and later, Willow Rosenberg - Angel would still be Angelus.

At least Spike made the choice to acquire a soul (regarless of his reasons for doing so, and realizing that he would change), instead of having the soul forced upon him.

As for Angel’s last decision to take out the Circle of the Black Thorn - did the moron realize that an apocalypse might hit L.A., if the SPs had decided to retaliate?

What a waste of five years!

Thursday 14 October 2004, by Anonymous :

You can’t just ignore the fact that he had the chip implanted in his brain, just because later on he decided it was the right thing to do to get his soul, because the Iniative are just like the gypsies, they forced it onto him. My whole point is that both were forced to change but most people seem to forget that.

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