Sunday 3 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Sweet face, fake breasts, dyed pubes.

Just the thing for some gay actor like DB to use to pretend to be straight. Fake just like her body is fake.

I’m forever amazed that guys like the fake boobs.

Sunday 3 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Oh, shut up...ive heard it all before...

Sunday 3 October 2004, by Anonymous :

i agree with you on the sweet face (she’s so pretty), fake breasts (those are GROSS), & dyed pubes..(why dye them? who she’s trying to fool? just keep it all shaved or waxed), but not on DB being homosexual. it was funny, though..

these pictures are not attractive, CC blows her outa the doubt.

Sunday 3 October 2004, by Pandora :

Ok, I’m outing myself as a prude now but I’m pretty shocked. She has a beautiful body, with obviously fake boobs but why do all young aspiring actresses have to shed their clothe??? And these are far too ... well,too much insight! Let’s just hope her personality can stand on her own and it’s what David really wants... well, wouldn’t be his loss I guess.

And good question - why do men prefer big breasts? And why do women try to comply by boosting up?

Monday 4 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Wow, okay, I was one of those who was disappointed in Charisma for posing for those pictures when I heard of it. But Charisma’s was beautiful, and not to mention classy, while that is just nasty.

And lots of stars marry Playmates, most of them much older, like Kelsey Grammar. I consider it very trashy, but then again I’m a girl. I guess it must be every guy’s dream to marry a playmate. *rolls eyes*

Monday 4 October 2004, by SUSAN :

What makes you thing her boobs are not real...not every thing is fake...there are such things as diffrent breast sizes..Boob jobs are not that common...Maybe you all have the IQ of 50....If you believe that....Men?? ..If its too good to be real ,it has to be fake....GIVE ME A BREAK

Monday 4 October 2004, by Em :

I just can’t see David with her. I guess a guy like him would be with maybe someone, oh say, wholesome? She looks like another whore in Los Angeles, or where ever she’s from.

At least Charisma made it ( Playboy ) look artistic and beautiful. Not down right sleazy.

Just -my- opinion.

Monday 4 October 2004, by Anonymous :

You’re all stupid. REAL MEN dont care about fake tits or real ones. A titty is a titty and the only ones who BITCH about it are stupid girls and faggot homo boys.

She looks good, end of story!!

Monday 4 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I personally think most poeple here are jealous.

You dont know her so maybe she has a great personality but since she doesnt fit your idea of a girl or one you dont think is smart she has to be terrible.

If you want to judge David or his wife get to know them for real first before judging.

Monday 4 October 2004, by Anonymous :

of course they’re NOT real, susan.. it’s so obvious. she’s really little & her boobs are HUGE & shaped like balloons. what’re you going to say next, that’s she’s a real blonde too? LOL. gimme a break..

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by Anonymous :

She is a real blonde at least. The pubes never lie :-D

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by Anonymous :

 that- can also be dyed. it looks like it..

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by emmeline :

she’s just a big fake boobs blonde girl. So vulgar!David has a very bad taste with women:Jaime (what a stupid name) looks so stupid.Sale blondasse va!(I don’t think translation is necesary here lol)

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by Phizzy :

"He not all men do... only really dumb men with an IQ of 50... I think small boobs are really sexy... and besides... Almost all man would prefer small boobs any time over fake boobs..."

1. If you think that everyone has to think the same as you ("Almost all man...") because you believe you are ’normal’, then YOU are the one with an IQ of 50.

2. It is perfectly natural to like big boobs, more so than to like small boobs.

3. I believe you to be a baffoon.

Tuesday 5 October 2004, by Pip :

can you say "pamela wannabe"?

Wednesday 6 October 2004, by nmcil :

Really think posting these photos is not something many of your readers would appreciate. There are many female fans who would find these extremely offensive - and not from any repressed sexuality issue either but more from showing respect for women as Non-Sexual Objects.

Obviously Ms. Bergman has a beautiful and stunning body but SO WHAT?

Saturday 9 October 2004, by SUSAN :

Sorry but I have seen her picture and theres no proof that her boobs are fake.......Have you got a before and after photo..?????

Tuesday 12 October 2004, by ALASKA :

Oh my god...Lucky David....

Wednesday 13 October 2004, by darryn :

first off just curious

1)if you dont like the pics how many did you look at before you decided to complain about them

2)dyed pubes or not who cares. Her choice if it makes her happy

3)are you telling me none of you have met shorter people with big boobs? What a crock.

4)how pretty or not a person is is in the eye of the individual beholder

5)there are people out there happy with either big or small boobs. Face it, it is not the body or boobs or how you display them but the actual person themself that counts

6) if you think the pics are offensive look at the thumbnails and dont enlarge the pic duhh what does the link say (playboy pics)

7)pamela wannabe. well i think she makes more money than anyone posting here

8)tell by her "condition" are you serious you nutta?.

9)finally "EM" to say she looks like just another whore in los angeles. Met a few have you?. so she took her clothes of and you call her a whore you poor ignorant little minded person (in my opinion)

Saturday 30 October 2004, by jeffatbeach :

CC blows Jaime out of the water? I don’t think so. Charisma Carpenter isn’t even in Jaime’s league. She’s far more beautiful than CC and I can see why DB would marry her. Pamela wannabe? Nah, Jaime has way more talent and class than Pam that’s for sure. I personally think that Jaime’s the greatest playmate of all-time.

Wednesday 3 November 2004, by Anonymous :

Umm.. yeah.. cos she decides to take off her clothes, cos shes sooo smart, huh? women like this, AND CC bring down the rest of us, who want equal Ops...

Saturday 25 June 2005, by rt :

Dude she’s gorgeous. All these negative comments obviously come from girls who are either jealous that she’s hotter than them or jealous that she’s with DB. Posing nude doesn’t make her a trashy person and if you think it does you’re sexist and uncomfortable with your own body. She got so much money just for posing for some pictures. btw i’m 18F

Saturday 13 August 2005, by Anonymous :

Nothing against the girl but these pictures are tacky. I am surprised that Playboy didn’t do a better job. She may be very sweet but this layout did make her look like a big ho. CC’s pictures were more tasteful.

Thursday 18 August 2005, by Anonymous :

I absolutely love these photos. Jaime’s looking as gorgeous as usual.

Sunday 9 March 2008, by ME :

GAG! She’s a skanky ’Ho. Susan she said she had a boob job and regreted it. (yeah right) Gotta dye those pudes to match the bottle blonde hair on top. FAKE FAKE FAKE You gotta be to live in LA btw I think DB is a closet gay guy

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