Friday 8 October 2004, by SUSAN :

That is rediculous about Bambi.Whats scary?? because bambi’s mother died.....In lionking his father was killed by his uncle,That could be scary too ...thats just plain silly and they are going tooo far....

Saturday 9 October 2004, by Lindsey’s Girl :

Jesus thats just stupid, I can think of a lot more Disney movies that can be more scarier to children then Bambie.

Saturday 9 October 2004, by Chinlee :

This is SO stupid, does this means that ALL programmes shown on the BBC should be banned since one programme or another would cause distress to some kid? Maybe they’ll start banning cookery programmes cause cooks are known to boil live crabs and lobsters!!! I know animal cruelty, my bad. :P

i DO think Teletubbies should be banned though cause it does cause pyscological damage and every time i hear them it causes me agony!!!

These comments are an anwser to this article : New Ofcom code ’could ban Bambi’ (buffy mention)

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