Friday 22 October 2004, by doublethink84 :

Isn’t that Marc Blucas DREAMY?!?!

hehe. actually, i dont think he is personally, but maybe thats because i’m gay. anyway, i love seeing that a grown man would say "dreamy".

Friday 22 October 2004, by Anonymous :

"Maybe it will get Joss creative and finally doing something for a change?" How about just completing writing, producing, and directing a film? Not to mention reviving the X-Men comic line. Mindless drones living in glass houses should not throw stones.

Saturday 23 October 2004, by doublethink84 :

If you dont like what joss says and does, than why do you even like his shows? Buffy,angel, firefly, they are all mirrors of who joss is. i’m suprised at the outrage that has come out of his conservative watchers. are you guys surprised he would vote for kerry? i mean, joss is a liberal, no doubt about it. He even said that bush could learn from the messages in his shows.

Saturday 23 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I have to say, ’Kelly Is A Mindless Drone’, I am intrigued by your choice of name considering the daddy’s boy of a president you currently have. But that’s beside the point.

As for Joss, good luck to him. He’s not trying to brainwash anyone, he’s *fundraising*. And he’s doing it in such a way that we may all, whether we support Bush or Kerry, get something out of it. After all, any news he divulges at these parties will no doubt be shared with all of us.

And if you think that making a movie stops when the actual filming is finished, you are very much mistaken. Ever heard of editing and post-production? This usually takes longer than the filming, especially on a Sci-Fi movie where you have to add in time for special effects as well. I’m surpised he has time to do the X-Men comics and the fundraiser with all that going on!

Sunday 24 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I have always taken comfort in the fact that pretty much all of Whedon’s work and actors have NOT stated their political views. If the show did, I would have been pissed. Don’t get me wrong, I think they are all entitled to it. But when some star thinks they have a grasp of foreign policy, economics, and such just because they’re famous, that’s when they piss me off. To quote Mr. Garrison:

"Well, just because you’re on TV doesn’t mean you know crap about the government!!!"

Look, Hollywood voting liberal is like the French being pussies; it comes natural. I like and respect Joss’ work a lot, but celebrities become complete tools when they start talking about things they don’t understand. Read about Cameron Diaz’s quote on Oprah to see where I’m going. There are some celebs who CAN articulate why they stand for something, but they are few and far between. My advice: If you’re going to vote because a celebrity or commercial told you to and not study out the issues, do us all a favor and sit this one out, kids. You do more harm than good.

Sunday 24 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I find it hilarious you use the term ’mindless drones’ to refer to Kerry, who is a democrat. I can’t even count how many people I’ve heard say ’well, I disagree with Bush. But he is a man of God, so I’m voting for him’. I call THAT mindless.

Tuesday 26 October 2004, by Anonymous :

okay, people, grow up for a second. he’s intitled to his own opinion, and bobody forced you to read this, and nobody is making you talk politics with him on sunday. work through your pain, and give the guy a break. you got my support joss, and you’d have it if you were voting bush too. well, you wouldn’t but then i just wouldn’t make a commment.

Wednesday 27 October 2004, by Hallie :

So sensitive, so ready to pounce..... on both sides.

Joss is clearly not trying to convert his fans; he’s just trying to help his candidate, which he has every right to do. Anyone who thinks that Mr. Whedon, being a mature adult, expects his fans to vote Kerry just because of him, and somehow that’s his evil agenda, is....well, obviously not a mature adult.

So you can stop lynching this guy that you all clearly admire for his creative work. Go back to hating the Dixie Chicks for no good reason, okay? ...Eh, scratch that, I like them. Why don’t you children go take your completely un-patriotic and not entirely helpful hate out on another one of them evil liberal-minded celebrities?

Saturday 30 October 2004, by faithforever :

Whedon can’t be a traitor, just for voting for Kerry, since Kerry is an American.

I respect Joss’s views, and as long as he had thought it through, I would still kind of like him even if he were voting for Bush.

Joss has a right to use his influence to get people out to vote. And if anyone is being traitorous in this election, it is the republicans that are trying to suppress the vote and voter turn-out. Joss is trying to circumvent that, and for that, he is clearly and obviously a true patriot. Anyone who disagrees clearly needs to get a brain.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Joss Whedon talks politics at the BronzeBeta

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