Saturday 23 October 2004, by Anonymous :

whatever dude... she always has an excuse for bailing out on everything buffy-related. how sad and ungrateful... seriously, she can’t spare a few hours, whatever dude.

Saturday 23 October 2004, by Soule :

I kind of understand why she is doing it, for an actor to become typecast can be very dangerous, it will limit what roles she is offered. But that said, I suspect in a few years when her fame from Buffy has died and she isn’t making anymore films, I think she will miss and regret what playing Buffy offered her.

Saturday 23 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I don’t understand you people. You obviously hate Sarah so why do you want her to continue to be involved with Buffy projects?

Sunday 24 October 2004, by James :

You people are sounding like the Buffy-Spike relationship. One minute Spike hates Buffy and the next he loves her and try’s to save her. Sarah spent seven years working hard on this great show. Let her enjoy her life doing something else for now. Maybe sometime in the future she do other buffy projects. Just give it time. You don’t go on the Buffy News site and talk about how much you hate Sarah, or Season 6 or 7. It’s supposed to be a show, not your life.Don’t take everything so seriously!

Monday 25 October 2004, by Anonymous :

excuse me, for a start she did "buffy with bite" on the season 6 extras, but and a few little bits, give the girl a damn break, shes only human, and cant be spread around everything, so she wants a break, i dont blame her, if, i mean IF your a true fan, you`ll support her whatever, bashing is not the way to go people.

Monday 25 October 2004, by SUSAN :

Sarah is try-ing too make a name for her self at an actress SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR......she doesnt want too be known as BUFFY ANNE SUMMERS the Vampire Slayer..any more ....Not that shes not gratefull ..Just its time to move on.......And I can Understand that...I dont know why others cant see that??

Tuesday 26 October 2004, by Anonymous :

How can Buffy Summers (or any number of the other characters) be TYPECASTING? These are characters with layers and depths and different sides to their personalities. They change and grow. She was not playing a "dumb blonde" role, or a "bad guy" role. It would be difficult to describe her character. Hero? How do you get "typecast" as a hero? Look at the sweeping changes that not only Buffy, but also Angel, Spike, Willow, and even Giles, have all undergone throughout the series. These are not static roles.

Saturday 30 October 2004, by Anonymous :

No, i agree they arent one dimensional, but she gave seven years to this show, and did she or did she not end up doing fight scenes in scooby doo, because they thought she looked good doing them, in all my child hood years i never saw Daphney(bad spelling sorry) taking on a baddy, so in a way she has been type cast, if she gets hounded by her fans, then she will always want to keep her distance from the show, give her a break, and she might come through for us.

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