Monday 25 October 2004, by Slayer :

To hell with TV movies. I want to see another tv series. A spinoff tv series about Faith would be very good.

The WB are allegedly interested in continuing the Buffy/Angel ’verse since they shot themselves in the foot with ’Angel’. And ’Tru Calling’ has been canned, so maybe this is possible.

Monday 25 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I agree, to hell with TV movies. having a new episode every week of a Joss Whedon show would just be the greatest thing. Well, here’s one girl who’s crossing her fingers for teh possiblity of ANY character spin off. ANY! i’m just so desperate! preferred though, Spike, illyria, Faith, and maybe some other. I dont know.

Monday 25 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Agree... want a TV show, not a movie! Faith, Willow, Spike, Xander, and how ’bout Giles? Let’s start a new Watcher’s Council since they all went up in smoke! Also liked Fred/Illyria and would enjoy seeing Willow seperate the two somehow... what would Spike do with both of them???

Wednesday 27 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Spike, Illyria, Andrew, and Faith. That would be one hell of a show. And although I love Xander, truly my favourite buffyverse character, I don’t think he should be included in any spin-offs, his story ended at the end of Buffy season 6, and he was vastly underused in season 7, which just showed theyd run out of ideas. Also, I don’t fancy seeing that grisly eye-patch every week, and if they get rid of it that would just ruin his sacrifice in Buffy. Just like bringing Spike back in Angel ruined what was (shouldn’t have been, but was) the centre point of Chosen. But now he’s back, him and Faith should finally get their own show, they deserve it. And Illyria and Andrew are the two characters that made a real impression, but never really got time to grow. All these actors would also be ready and willing to play these parts again, James Marsters loves Spike and would make time for him no matter what, Amy Acker would definitley come back, so would Tom Lenk, and Eliza Dushku’s tried her own thing, she gave it her best shot, and now its over, so why not come back and give the fans what they want. So I’ll say it again, SPIKE, ILLYRIA, ANDREW, AND FAITH!

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