Thursday 28 October 2004, by HER :

Bull Shit i got up at 7 and they wernt even on it. Er Arg!

Thursday 28 October 2004, by Ems :

I have GMTV and watched it, but DB and JM weren’t on. I was so disappointed.

Ems :)

Thursday 28 October 2004, by mong :

the show is complete rubbish but I watched it thinking they’d eventually come on. but no I got Westlife! deep joy.

Friday 29 October 2004, by Sam :

Yes, I got up at 7am!!!! (And I am a student!!) to see them, sat there for 1 1/2 hours listening to weather reports and westlife, and no Angel or Spike! Guess they couldn’t be bothered to get up that early! Disapointing

Friday 29 October 2004, by jo :

yeah i got up especially at 7 too and big disappointment. I reckon they droppped it in order to give more information about the floods but they could at least have post phoned it!!! Does anyone know if they’re doin any other uk tv while they’re here?

Friday 29 October 2004, by flammable, UK :

I just caught TRL (on MTV) today in time to see David and James. They weren’t on for too long, but it was awesome! Hopefully will get a video of it online. Apparently SMG was on a few days ago (didn’t see it myself) and she left them a message about her kicking their asses. James’ response was so funny.

I also saw an advert today, that David will be on T4 (on Channel 4) at some point during this weekend. Was very vague though, so no idea when. And it didn’t mention James at all.

These comments are an anwser to this article : David Boreanaz and James Marsters on GMTV this Thursday - Oct. 28th 2004

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