Tuesday 2 November 2004, by Zev : My god, what’s wrong with her face?Tuesday 2 November 2004, by Elias : There is nothing wrong with her face. lol She looks the same as she did a few months ago. If you’re talking about the more fuller cheeks, then yes that has changed from the old. I think this more healthier look she has going for her now is sexier. What’s wrong with her face?! Pffft... some people. *insert rolling eyes face here* Wednesday 3 November 2004, by Anonymous : Zey: my gosh, i was just about to write the same thing...Wednesday 3 November 2004, by SUSAN : Eliza looks wonderful....and theres nothing wrong with her face...Just the angle the pictures were taken.....Wednesday 3 November 2004, by Anonymous : hey, relax elias...i think they meant what’s wrong with her facial expression...but yeah, eliza is still gorgeous.These comments are an anwser to this article : Eliza Dushku - Calvin Klein Underwear Party - Good Quality Photos