Thursday 2 December 2004, by patpaws :

Let’s see if I got this right - he was too busy to do the GOTR thingy, but now has time to do a solo tour...Hmmm, interesting. Still if this solo thing doesn’t work out, he can always try something else. Being a celebrity opens all kinds of doors and his fans will support him in any endeavor, but I wonder how many non-James fans will attend? James loves to perform so I guess it doesn’t really matter. For some reason I though James was an actor, what happen to that career?

Thursday 2 December 2004, by Anonymous :

After 8 years I’ve decided to stop being a James fan. I can’t understand why he treats his US fans like shit. Don’t we count for anything? Or is it that he knows our dumbasses will fly around the country spending countless amounts of money to see his skinny rump? As one friend put it, he’s takin gus all to the bank and we’re his personal teller machines. And I’m not even a James hater. Until yesterday I worshiped the man. But why can’t he do things for his fans that live here too?

Thursday 2 December 2004, by Pandora: Isabell :

Wow, that’s really great for him, well and us of course! And I would love to see him if only I could afford it - maybe I can put some of my Christmas money aside? But what childish decision is that to stop being a fan because he does a tour in the UK but not the US??? What are other European or North American fans supposed to say??? If you really were a fan of James you would support him and not diss him for not doing what YOU think he SHOULD do. He loves all his fans and so far the US-fans surely had more opportunities to see him on a convention or with Ghost of the Robot before as to let have other countries have a dig for now. Make a guess - how long will his fame last if he doesn’t get a real good show on hand sometime soon? He’ll be forgotten faster than you can say ’spike it’ and I believe he’s aware of that and tries to make the best of what he still has for now! And I think it’s really considerate that he includes Europe, or well at least the UK, in those efforts. As a fan I believe it is my part of that ’pact’ to support him. Even if he doesn’t do a gig in my country. Right, there might come a day that he does something that really offends me and makes me decide to not be a fan anymore - but that would have to be something really huge - more likely it’ll be like that: he is not as present in the media/on TV/in movies/press as now and simply ’fade away’ from the (usually) very short termed memory of people - until he comes up with something great again, at which point ’all’ his fans will return probably saying ’I’d never forgotten him’! Yeah, right. But that’s life and Hollysmut and people in general.

Let him have his way even if it doesn’t benefit you personally but other fans. Don’t give up being his fan - he has only got so much to give and so far he’s given it all!

James! You rock! Keep it up like that!

Thursday 2 December 2004, by Anonymous :

I think it’s great that James is keeping his music alive. The only downfall is he’s headed back to the UK on tour. I really wish he would head north to Canada. He has not made a single appearance here even though it’s only a few hours away, by air. I hope the UK fans REALLY appreciate him because you’re getting a hell of a lot more of James than the rest of us!!!

Thursday 2 December 2004, by Lightess :

Pandora you’ve said it! As for the whole why James and GoTR aren’t an item anymore I also got upset when I found out he was singing again... (never stopped being a fan though!) and I got over being upset when a friend who’s really into the music business told me that being in a band takes a lot more time than going solo. That it had more commitment, so if James wanted to act in a movie/series he couldn’t (or he had to do both – like what he did with Buffy/Angel – which he said was very tiring) coz of his obligation to the band... e.g. touring, practice.. stuff like that that he can’t NOT do and has to arrange his schedule to match the other members. If he’s on his own he can manage his schedule easily and he did it now with his appearance in The Mountain and his up coming movie (not to mention the ever awaited Macbeth). After my friend explained this to me I understood his situation with the band more. The man’s passion is acting but he loves to sing (not to forget mentioning that since he was in the band he had to follow their ideas for the songs he wrote and he mentioned somewhere that they didn’t get it with the music or something and that those songs were some of the songs on his new solo)

So what happened to his career as an actor… it’s still there! Read the article had about that. And who said he treats his US fans like shit? Is it coz you’ve never met him? That man is the sweetest ever. Have you forgot that the countless conventions and band appearances were in the US,,, I’ve never heard a fan of his from the UK stop being a fan (After 8 years!!) coz he spends more time there with the fans. He had been lots of places coz he wants to see his fans and as fans we should support him no matter what… that’s the whole point of being a fan. (unless of course he does something SO huge and awful—seriously doubting that but you never know). What more do you want the man to do in the US?! He had done (in my opinion and observation) a lot more conventions and appearances than most of the actors on the show. He goes to the UK coz he knows that he has a lot of fans there and maybe he wants to save them the trip money to the US… coz more than likely all of his solo playing will be there in his home country don’t ya think? Give the man the benefit of the doubt I’m sure there’s a reason for that,,, maybe he got a better and earlier deal there and he had to chose on the better deal… would you fault him? ….

I gotta stop here or this babble fest will never end… sorry if this bothered/offended anyone… just a fan spouting off…

Friday 3 December 2004, by Sarah :

I am so glad that its not just me offended by the person saying that they were going to ’stop being a fan of James’ That’s so immature and so unfaithful. If you were a true fan you would support him no matter what he did, if he decided to stop everything and become a monk in outer mongolia, i sure as hell would support him!!! (i’m not saying that he would, but you know...!) Personally i am EXTATIC that he’s coming over here to the UK to perform. I loved him in GOTR, and when i saw them earlier this year in London it was unbelievable. I was so upset when i heard that James had left GOTR and just the thought of never attending one of James’ concerts was too hard to believe. But now he’s performing SOLO!!!!! Yippeeeeee!!!!!!! I really can’t wait. I am gonna book the tickets this weekend and i can’t wait. I was so despreate to go to Halloween 2004, but at £300 i just couldn’t afford it (no matter how much i begged my parents to let me have a ticket as my birthday and christmas presents for the next gazillion years!). Just seeing James performing gives you such a buzz! The way he interacts with the crowd ( especially when he came to the window at the side of the venue i saw him at after the gig, and shouted down to all of us, totally rocked.) Plus, another reason i am so happy he is coming to the UK, is that when i went to the GOTR concert in May, i took so many photos and was sitting in the stalls (waaay up high i might add) and NONE, thats right NONE of the photos came out, so now that i have the chance to take more photos, and i am definately standing this time and arriving SUPER early to get as close to the front as possible. I can’t wait! Its so great cos over in the USA, you guys do get to see a bit more of him on the TV, because the shows he guest stars in or the chat shows he appears on, are shown over there, and i cant wait to see him, in the flesh over here in merry ol’ england. SO, i say thank you America for producing one of the most talented, kind, sweet, friendly, oh and might i add BLOODY GORGEOUS men on the planet, and for sending him over to us for this tour, which i am sure is gonna be a once in a lifetime expericence. And just to finish, if anyone else has some nasty things to say about James, you’re gonna have all of us who love James for who he is, to answer to!!!

Friday 3 December 2004, by sarah :

Hey. Its me again. I have just been on the official James Marsters website, and saw this....

’James has just wrapped filming on the film “The Pierre Heist” and had a great time. From what he can tell at this point, he thinks it will be a good film. Now he is back in the recording studio working on the new album! It should be completed and available in the first quarter of 2005. As many of you know, we’ve announced concert dates in the UK for 2005. We are working on dates in the US and hopefully other parts of the world as well. As soon as we have concrete information, we will post it here. As for the new photos on the website, YES, each and everyone will be individually signed and personalized by James per the specific order. In the meantime, wishing everyone a very happy and safe holiday season!’

So there you go, all you guys in the US. You can all rest in peace now...(see what i did there ;) ) James will be touring the US with his solo album.

BTW-: The information was on the main page of James website.

Saturday 4 December 2004, by foodandart :

Not going to be a James fan anymore?



Saturday 4 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Good grief! That one response shows how fast fans can turn on artists. I’m sure JM is touring in those places because he knows them and has had good experieces with them. Also there is a little lss pressure on a US performr abroad. Also dates are planned in areas that can support them, i.e., enough people can be guaranteed to come. However, and no matter what, He isn’t old a gun to your head and demanding that you attend any function. He may be doing a con for contractual reasons and not care whether anyone comes. Most of us can’t afford to go to anything so we sould have stopped being fans a long time ago. Bunch of spoiled brats! His skinny ass is better off without you.

Sunday 5 December 2004, by Sarah :

you said it guys! lets keep the support coming in for James and show those other guys that James doesn’t need them, when he’s got devoted, loyal fans like us!

Sunday 5 December 2004, by Jenni Bowers :


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