Thursday 2 December 2004, by AngelFan17 :

Hmm... Very interesting.

Thursday 2 December 2004, by scooby_1988 :

I love foreshadowing. But hey, remember Willow in Dopplegangland? I think I’m kinda gay? Xander alwayz thought about women, Joss Whedon made a good decision to not make him homosexual.

Friday 3 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Sounds made up. I know he said he only made Willow gay because Seth Green left the show.

Friday 3 December 2004, by Grigory_the_Wanderer :

Old news. There was also a very provocative scene by the end of the 5th season, I think, when they were fleeing, and Xander had a totally gay flirting conversation with Spike.

Friday 3 December 2004, by David Is A God!! :

Glad it was Willow!! Amber Benson was amazingly great for the role!!The best choice ever hiring her and I guess we sll know which one was the worst ever.... *cough* killing her *cough* *sniffs*

Friday 3 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Um, wrong. Xander was referring to when he became a hyena & Larry mistook it as Xander confessing being homosexual like he was. Xander thought Larry was a werewolf & Larry thought Xander was gay. That’s all it was, a big misunderstanding. Go back & watch the episode.

Friday 3 December 2004, by stephanie :

wow. old news much?

yes, i do believe so.

Friday 3 December 2004, by Rob Logan :

This has actually been discussed before. Probably not here, though.

In the end, I’m glad it worked out to be Willow. And I’m a gay guy here, so it’s not an ’eww, guys kissing’ thing. Without Xander-shaped motivation to stay around, we wouldn’t have gotten so much Anya goodness!

Not to mention that a world without Tara is one I wouldn’t wanna live in.

Friday 3 December 2004, by Anonymous :

I’ve heard this before. But I still don’t think I would have enjoyed Xander gay as much as I did willow, plus we would have never gotten such a wonderful relationship with him and Anya

Friday 3 December 2004, by Djungelurban :

This wasn’t really news... I’ve known that for years...

Friday 3 December 2004, by Lol :

So old news, I heard that Joss was trying to choose who of Buffy’s best friends was going to turn gay. If he chose Xander though we would have more guys on the show. Well, we have Angel as ’The Guys Show’.

Friday 3 December 2004, by SUSAN :

NO.... Xanders being gay...that made me feel a bit queezy.....Dunno but Willow being gay was more acceptable...and more likely....THank god Joss didnt turn Xanders gay.......

Friday 3 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Speaking as a gay guy, I don’t wanna hear homophobic comments such as that either.

Friday 3 December 2004, by Envy’s Lover :

Yeah, or they might’ve gone a more modern and "correct" route and made them both "bisexual"... am I the only one that knows this term?

Saturday 4 December 2004, by Anonymous :

You know, there is also the possibility that Xander could have been made bi. Oddly I don’t think anyone’s noted that.

Saturday 4 December 2004, by Anonymous :

I dont know. Whether Willow was the one who ended up being gay or if it would have been Xander, everybody is saying they wouldnt like it as much but I lets remember people JOSS IS A GENUIS. he would have made anything work, he’s just that darn good. lol

Sunday 5 December 2004, by Anonymous :

You don’t know ppl, what if Xander was the one gay and Willow had a very good acter as her boyfriend (Seth Green or another one) And Xander’s boyfriend was played by a great acter.

If this article showed that Joss Whedon originally hadn’t decided whether it would be Willow or Xander who turned out to be gay and he might have chose Willow instead of Xander, you would all say that it won’t work and that the show won’t have been the same without the two acters who played Xander and Willow’s boyfriends.

Sunday 5 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Simone: saying homosexuality is immoral IS being homophobic. Saying black people are immoral would be racist, its the same difference.

Sunday 5 December 2004, by Hallie :

Hey, Simone: "Just because somebody believe homosexuality is immoral, DOESN’T make them homophobic, I’m so sick of hearing that nonsense." ?!?!

ummm, isn’t that sort of the DEFINITION of homophobia? That’s like saying "I think whites are the superior race, but that doesn’t make me racist." Jesus, and you’re a *fan* of this show? Yech.

Monday 6 December 2004, by David Is A God! :

Guys,Simone is right.I mean: I have NO problem with gay people,as a matter of fact I start loving more Willow when she was with Tara,I think they were the best couple on the show,great chemistry and all(like Sarah & David)and believe me when I say that even now I can’t digest that they killed Tara (&$&^***#@%@!@^%$^#%& <---That’s me being mad! :D )

But as I was saying doesn’t mean that I could imagine myself kissing someone of the same gender or that I’d feel comfortable if I witness something like that next to me - although I feel kinda embarassed even if they are from opposite genders especially if they are in front of you and you don’t know where to look.I hope you get what I mean.)

I couldn’t be more open & supportive to gay people even if I were one!In my conversations I am with their side if they are treated badly but...

Monday 6 December 2004, by David Is A God! :

...relationships between people of the same gender are not normal.That DOESN’T mean that it’s not accepted!A child being born blind is not normal but we we won’t misjudge it,kill it or anything!It IS accepted.You know what I mean? And at the bottomline God made Adam & Eve not Adam & Peter!

Get your definitions of "racist" and "homophobic" right!Sometimes I think tht gay people are the homophobics here!They can’t digest the fact that the majority of straight don’t hate them or anything,personally I couldn’t care less with who everybody sleeps with!As long as they are nice I have no problem to hang with them!

TaKe CaRe!! x x x


Monday 6 December 2004, by Anonymous :

I think the person who spoke about Xander, Willow and their boyfriends was right. If things were the oppiset, you would still argue about how you can’t see Willow gay ore that you love the acters who played Xander and Willow’s boyfriends and that the show won’t work without them.

Monday 6 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Homosexuality isn’t a ’disorder’ Danielle. There’s nothing wrong with being gay, we’re not diseased. And as for ’David Is God’, homosexuality is normal its just a minority. Ever heard the quote ’hetrosexuality isn’t normal, it’s just common’?

Tuesday 7 December 2004, by David Is A God! :

To the person without even a nick who mention me:

O come on now!! Homosexuality is normal?? whether you like it or not YEAH,heterosexuality is common AND normal!Normal is the common thing! In everything NORMAL is when things do what they are supposed to do!If they do something "uncommon" that’s certainly NOT normal!I support you guys when you are right but don’t be paranoid!!Don’t devastate everything!For Christ’s sake!

If you find a car with doesn’t need gas to start but sugar you can’t say : "Oh it’s normal!" It doesn’t mean it’s bad,but since is not common is nooooooooooot normal!!Get it now what I was trying to say??

Tuesday 7 December 2004, by WillowAnd XanderBestFriends4Eva :

Hmm Very interesting and very surprising. After reading this i wished that Joss Whedon did choose Xander to become gay as well as Willow. When i watched Xander’s conversation with Larry in the episode Phases, i defiantely thought that xander would later become gay. But very Interesting none the less i am curious as to why Joss Whedon chose Willow to become gay as a pose to Xander? And what would happen in Buffy if it was decided that xander was to become gay?. Hmm i wonder.

Wednesday 8 December 2004, by Eastern American :

I know that if Xander was gay I might not have watched the show cause there needed to be a strong straight male role on the show (no offense Giles). And Spike? We didn’t really get into until the end of the series.

I mean it would have been a straight girl show. Even though it still is a girl show it helps to have guys like Xander people can relate to otherwise I might have turn it off a long time ago.

And to those you say I’m homophobic, You don’t know me nor the people in my life and what their real life preferences are. I chose girls as my sexual drive and it helps to have a character like that in my shows that I can relate to in some respect.

BTW I’m a 21 non-Christian virgin who plans on staying that way (I dunno about the 21 tho :( ) until I get married so to whoever stated the "statistics" missed me and my friends.

Friday 10 December 2004, by PSKm7 :

Yeah I jsut need to say that all this bickering back and forth makes everyones point look really weak. I mena no offense to anyone but the gay guys are coming off like 3 year old winey children who didnt get the toy they wanted for the holidays, and the other guys talking about statistics sound liek their pulling stuff out of ...well you know were.... Point in case homosexual individuals are not immoral or worg they are jsut not normal by common standards....thats not to say they are not normal because a homosexaul a black man a white guy etc are all jsut as normal...they are jsut not as normla by the common standards of the majority of society...that does not mean society is beasically...eveyrone shut up and deal with your own crap...we all got our problems.......SECONDLY......everyones talkign like Buffy is this show devoted to Homosexuality.....thats is ONE ascpect. Theres the issue of drug use in the second to last season correlating to Willows abuse of sex and underage sex and what can go worn can be correlated to allmost all of season two, and a bet you the messages people are getting out of season or episodes are different for all people. No wrtier expects everyone to think the same thing when they see or read their material..they put a point out to let people draw theri own conclusions of what it means...that is good writing......god you people suck wiht your whining and bickering get over your selves.....Their will be people who are over sensative and big activists or their cause...people who could care less either way(ME), conservatives (who dont see anything wrong in Homosexuality just have differnt conservative opionions) and bigots. Somone isnt a bigot if theri conservative its deosnt work that way, Whatever think what you will.

Sunday 12 December 2004, by Aubrey :

I would really like to know how anyone thinks homosexuality isnt ’normal’. Gays dont choose to be gay when they are in there teenage years, they just find themselves attracted to the same sex when the go through puberty. You have no right to be giving judgement on it unless you go through it yourself. It might not be as common as heterosexuality, but there are millions of gays in the world, so dont be saying there not normal just because you never had to worry about it. So everybody should just shut up about it, homosexuals are just as "normal" as hetero’s.

Friday 17 December 2004, by SUSAN :

I knew it once I said the thought of Xanders being gay made me feel sick it would get that reaction.....Im not homophobic at all was just a wrong choice of words.....But sorry if I cant see Xanders kissing another guy......upset you so much....but that was just my opinion...But to say I shouldnt watch the show ..Get out of here....But in talking about being gay I saw Nicholas play a gay in some series and he was great and funny and he didnt make me feel sick......I was meaning the sick about the character Xanders being gay not gays in general.

Friday 17 December 2004, by Anonymous :

OK So why didnt Joss turn Xanders gay????That what I would like to know unless he thought there could be a problem ...Too much to take in...Two males getting up too what Willow and Tara did..... Kennedy and willow love making in season in season 7...Curious

Friday 17 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Aubrey - your a star!

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