Friday 10 December 2004, by Anonymous :

I know everyone has there own opinion (otherwise i’d not be writing this!) but for me, when I first watched season seven, I was amazed how good it was. As I got to the end of an episode, I couldn’t wait to see the next. Also, for me, the whole seven seasons told one story. I think it ended well. A lot of people seem bitter that it ended, as a result they blame the last season - instead of enjoying it for what it was: A great end to a great show. But thats just my opinion. lol :)

Friday 10 December 2004, by Anonymous :

It has become the done thing to snipe about season seven hasn’t it?. Ok everyone has the right to their opinion but it becomes a bit tedius to just hear a litergy of complaints about season seven which I think was actually rather good. Yes, most of the potentials are irriting and under-characteristed (I actually rather liked the geeky Amanda and seem to be in a minority of one of liking Kennedy who at least had some spirit) and some of the main characters were a bit sidelined and there were plot inconsitences regarding the ubervamps which was an army being built up by The First - pay attention at the back there. However Andrew was funny and an interesting character and Storyteller provided a stranger’s eye view of our characters and made important points about facing up to the consequences of your actions and not hiding from them. "LMPTM" was a brilliant study about the grey areas and about it not always being clear what the right thing to do is. If Buffy seems like a bit of a self-righteous cow it’s because she carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders and the pressure gets to her sometimes. There was a postive message about the power of forgiveness and believing in yourself and the reason why the First was dangerous is it could destroy people physologically and could muster some dangerous allies.

Saturday 11 December 2004, by Anonymous :

I loved season 7 at the beginning but after the episode Sleeper, it began to bore me. I was so disappointed of the lack of Xander. Joss said that he ran of ideas, but that’s bullshit. How about Xander figuering out that life was not black and white and starts to get along with the good demons, Spike, Clem ...

I know some of you loved s7 but that might be because your fave characters got lots of action and plot while mine didn’t.

Monday 13 December 2004, by Lol :

I’m right with you. One of the main reasons I don’t like season 7 is the lack of the Xan-man. He’s one of the main characters for seven years, his name comes right after SMG in the opening, damnit!

Tuesday 14 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Xander’s black and white view on vampires/demons was the first arcline that started with him; when he had to kill Jesse. While they had huge oppertunities to round this neatly off in S7, they simply ignored it. And then they say they ran out of ideas? They simply have forgotten about him. The second main character of the show. The Spock to Buffy’s Kirk. It’s like sending Spike to AS5 and giving him squat. How can I even take the writers of S7 serious? And then we aren’t even talking about the many ploterrors and trashing of fan favorite characters for a very vague theme.

Tuesday 14 December 2004, by Anonymous :

If LMPTM is about the right thing to do and the gray area, then why isn’t Xander in it, instead of Wood? This is one Xander’s main arclines. And he was the one who had mentioned killing Ben. Oh, wait, Wood had cool kick ass moves and *that’s* much more important people. And he had a suddenly past with Spike. Cuz that’s something Xander and Spike totally didn’t have. That’s sarcasm by the way. It also backs the question why we never saw the past of Willow and Xander.

Wednesday 15 December 2004, by Anonymous :

Xander’s mixed up feelings in HellsBills would have made more sense to a lot of people if Joss showed scenes of how Xander’s home life was like. I don’t think people would be so down on Xander if they saw how many times his parents hurt him and hurt each other. That’s the point of leaveing Anya, "I don’t wanna hurt you, not that way." Was what Xander said to Anya before he left her.

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