Sunday 19 December 2004, by guest : She’s gonig to PLAY a porno star???? As long as she doesn’t do it for realSunday 19 December 2004, by tdweomer : Actually, I would pay ten times the money for Buffy Does Sunnydale then I would for all her non-vampire realted projects put together.Monday 20 December 2004, by slaymebuffy : Is "Revolver" going to be directed by Guy Ritchie? I heard that he was going to be directing a movie by this name and that Madonna was gonna have a cameo in it? Does anyone know if they were talking about the same movie? Lol, I just remembered where I heard it. It was on SNL last night during the Weekend Update. These comments are an anwser to this article : Sarah Michelle Gellar - List And Details About Her Future Movies