Thursday 10 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Waiting for the onslaught of bangel vs. spuffy nonsense and hoping both sides can keep their derogatory comments to themselves...

I’m going to vote, but I can’t help but think that if tvguide doesn’t get the couple they want, they’ll fix the results. I noticed farscape is creeping up there and I suspect they were not expecting that and would rather have a more popular tv show up there, ie. friends.

Thursday 10 February 2005, by SUSAN :

I voted for Spike and Buffy....But I really wanted Buffy and Angel but it wasnt on the list.....and WHY NOT?

Thursday 10 February 2005, by Anonymous :

...its pretty pathetic really...

Thursday 10 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Buffy and Angel never had a kiss that made me drop my jaw and scream out in excitement. Buffy and Spike did. But honestly, the kiss between Willow and Tara when they get back together, when Tara gives Willow that speech about how rebuilding trust is hard work and they should just skip that part and kiss, was the best Buffy kiss ever.

Saturday 12 February 2005, by Anonymous :

I voted for Spike and Buffy. I loved all of their kisses.. from the gentle one in Intervention to the raw and passionate kisses in Smashed. There was tons of heat between the two. Glad they made the list and that the Buffyverse is getting some recognition.

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