Wednesday 23 February 2005, by Anonymous :

American Wedding was a fun, goofy movie with potty humor, it wasnot really more respectable than *a* scooby doo. It’s not like hes comparing Scooby Doo to *The Godfather I & II, Terms of Enderment or heck ALiens etc*. lol I know a SMG snide comment when I see it. Uncool really. This should all be about ALy and wishing her well.

Wednesday 23 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Aly didn’t do squat in this episode. Big dissapointment. Acting was about as believable as me trying to act in front of all of you.And I CAN’T ACT. Suck in your breath and say in some stupid snotty weird attitude and a wierd voice "Why, I never!" and that about covers what her scene looked like. Not sure I understand why she’d turn down her own show and then do something dumb like this. Hope to see her in something much better soon.

Wednesday 23 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Where do you see snide remarks about SMG or Scooby??????

Friday 25 February 2005, by Anonymous :

How hard is Trina struggling in the acting game? She hasn’t resorted to movies based on cartoons, has she?

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