Friday 25 February 2005, by SUSAN :

When were these taken?..He looks younger to me.....unless hes found him self the fountain of youth....

Friday 25 February 2005, by x_geek :

Yeah maybe but come on - DUH! A lot of guys get sexier as they get older.

Friday 25 February 2005, by x_geek :

Altho granted, there is no way the second set of photographs is from the last few years, but the first lot looks fairly recent.

Friday 25 February 2005, by Shawn :

MY fiance & I met him backstage at Pirates of Penzance in London, we were surprised at how young he looked, this was about a year ago.

Tuesday 10 May 2005, by Anonymous :

The last couple are from when he was doing the Taster’s Choice/Gold Blend commercials (early nineties - I think it was actually an Oprah interview), the middle promo shot is from VR.5 (mid-nineties, pre-Buffy), and those first few? Dunno - could be around the end of VR.5/beginning of Buffy? So they’re all a bit dated, but hey, he’s still handsome.

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