Tuesday 1 March 2005, by Anonymous :

What’s with the boots? Don’t really care for them, but SMG looks really pretty here.

Tuesday 1 March 2005, by Anonymous :

I know she isn’t, but she looks like she is hiding a little belly in the first 2 pictures.

Tuesday 1 March 2005, by Anonymous :

why is SMG the only cast member of the grudge who attends these kind of premieres? how about jason behr and the others? what’s up with that?

Friday 4 March 2005, by Anonymous :

She’s the only one who goes to any of these premieres because it keeps her busy and gives her a reason not to go to anything buffy related.

Thursday 10 March 2005, by Karla :

Hm, I have no idea what’s up with those boots...

But she looks gorgeous from the waist up LOL.

Sarah tends to wear long flowy "pregnant" blouses from time to time because she has a short body and she tries to hide it, that’s all.

Friday 1 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Seriously last person who posted...needs to find a hobby.

Friday 1 April 2005, by History :

1. You need to clam down. 2. What the hell does your rant have to do with pictures that were taken almost two months ago for an event for a movie that has long been out of theatres and is long gone? If you’d like, I can point out how many times she’s been on Conan, Leno, Letterman, TRL, and other shows to promote BtVS. She has been on countless magazine covers all referring to BtVS. Many of her high profile covers refer to BtVS, such as EW. She did a lot more promotion in seven years for the show than she ever did for anything else. She promoted the hell out of the Grudge for a few months from October to February. That amount of promotion can not compare to what she did for BtVS. The man isn’t her agent, he’s the pres of WMA...and he has insulted clients before. He’s simply a jackass with an ego too big for the business he works in. Many things he stated in the aritcle and many things he has done in the past involving his clients have been highly unprofessional. You can’t simply use his words as some sort of backing for your silly little argument against Sarah when it’s been shown that the guy is a little off his rocker. You can’t see why people are loyal? When that’s your problem isn’t it? You’re not going to convince anyone to start hating Sarah simply because you think she never did enough for BtVS. Come off it dude. What "actions" speak volumes about her disdain for the show? How many times does she have to defend her position about the show before idiots like you get it through their thick skulls, that she really really loved BtVS and owed a lot to it? Just because she promoted some other project heavily doesn’t mean she didn’t love BtVS. What kind of whacked reasoning is that? The woman’s just doing her damn job and trying to put her all into every project she does. Wasn’t working 18 hour days, doing interviews and tv shows, never getting to see her family regularly for seven years ENOUGH? So freakin’ what if her first comic con appearance was for TG. Who gives a crap. I don’t go to cons. I certainly don’t give a crap. It’s not like she was contracted to go to cons for BtVS either. If anything she was at the con to get the word out about the film and also because she was contracted for a certain amount of promotion. Who cares if she didn’t go to a PBP? Other stars showed up and others didn’t. There are people on the cast who have never been, Charisma for example. She doesn’t get half as much crap from the fans as Sarah does for not doing enough fan related things. BTW between being expected to promote the show in the media, work on BtVS 24-7 (she is noted as being the person on the cast who worked the most hours, who worked the hardest), being expected to go to fan events on top of that...when exactly would she have time to take a breather? People complained about her being drawn thin and looking tired on the show at times...Would you have rather the star of the show become ill or be hospitalized for exhaustion simply because she overworked herself? I mean seriously, when was she supposed to have time to do other things than work her skin of her bones for that show? So what if she didn’t do the commentary? I know plenty of people who don’t care one single bitty bit about hearing anything the actors/actresses have to say. And I think that that’s the same opinion SMG probably had. People have complained that sometimes they just don’t care about an actors interpretation of whichever scene from whichever episode and would rather hear what the director/writer has to say about a particular scene. You seem to be one of those fans in that small group of fans who acquire selective memory when it comes to thinking about what Sarah did for the show. You complain about the fact that she had scheduling conflicts (which she did not to mention a family member DIED) and then complain about her comment on that idea that perhaps having Buffy appear on Angel would not be a good idea. And yet, you want her on the commentary tracks even though you don’t value her opinion since "omg she’s insulting us by saying she knows the Buffyverse characters the best when obviously I know them the best *whine* *whine* *whine*". I hate ungrateful fans. Hate. with a passion. Fans like you are why I’m glad Sarah stayed away from certain fan events. You and others like you don’t ever deserve to be in her presence if you’re going to behave like ungrateful little wretches and undervalue her contribution to the show. You make me ill...Get a hobby, for real dude.

Thursday 28 April 2005, by Anonymous :

History.. you said it all. I am 100% with you.

Wednesday 1 February 2006, by Jodie :

You say SMG has been noted for how hard she works on the show? well she’s been noted for how little publicity she did for the show as well and that she wasn’t very friendly with other cast mates. I don’t know whether any of it is true, and neither do you.

Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions and everything that has been said so far is merely a conclusion, not fact. Unless you personally know SMG on a very intimate bases you cannot possibly know what the true situation is. What i do know is that SMG is an actor, not a saint or a god, therefore people are allowed to say negative things about her, and of course other people are allowed to reject those negative things and say positive things but guess what, everyone deserves to be able to say what they want about her.

Making personal attacks on people who say negative things about SMG doesn’t make your position stronger, in fact it may weaken it because you may across as blindly loyal with no level of objectivity. Express your opinion, fine, but stick to the argument rather than depending on the "yeah well you smell" strategy.

I love BTVS and i love SMG as Buffy but i still wish she had done some stuff for the specials on the dvds, and yes i appreciate that "apparantly" she pulled 18 hour days (although i think that the accuracy of that is to be questioned people normally cannot operate on the maximum 4 or so hours sleep that would have been open to her), but remember people she got recompensed for her time a lot more than most people, probably more per day than most people get per month, so i’m not offering my sympathy there.

Friday 19 October 2007, by Anonymous :

Just to clear some things up... Joss Whedon and James Marsters have both said that she worked 18+ hours, was extremely professional and nice throughout, and worked herself to death. JM has that chair quote, where SMG got him a chair when he was first on the show. She doesn’t believe in DVD commentaries and I can’t really blame her; I can’t think of many illuminating commentaries from actors, usually they’re by the director/writer. Plus, writers and directors (when used consistently like in BtVS) have free time to do things like that between their episode. She cited one of her reasons for stopping the show as no free time, which lays even more credence to working long hours. I’m not a rabid fan or anything, just citing information that cast and crew have stated, along with basic facts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I personally feel that she was a little lackluster on the extra stuff for the show, but then that is all it was, the "extra stuff." Really it’s the show itself that counts and I think we can all agree it was spectacular in large part to SMG.

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