It’s a Hoax, for actors publicity only... '>

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Anonymous :

Heresy ! It just wouldn’t be the same, and frankly, sounds convoluted and like so much garbage !

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Anonymous :

This is what must go on when they greenlight trash like "Mis Congeniality 2" or "Dirty Dancing: Havanna Nights", just less talented people making cheap excuses for sequels. What an embarassing state of mind.

Saturday 5 March 2005, by LiaM :

that’s just ... awfull, the story they wrote is abysmal, and No Joss=bad story... I hope they don’t get to do that

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Anonymous :

this O’Sullivan fellow keeps posting a great lot of wonderful fiction about himself, and that turkey of a film, "Communication Breakdown." This guy is just some small potatoes director posting false Buffy rumors involving him and his movie on his website in the hopes someone will take it as real news.

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Anonymous :

OMG this is sacrelige of the highest order. This is basicly taking the best character ever though of, ripping her name and abilities off of a horrible movie, and marketing it to see if it gets waves becasue it has Buffy in the title. Joss Whedon would have never thought of this horrible idea. I can not even fathom how up in arms buffy fans will be over this.

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Shandy22 :

I agree with simone, if there going to creat a new Buffy based show they have to at least keep some of the characters like Spike and Willow. How could they even think of doing a show with out other cast members of Joss Whedons Buffy.

Me preferably would rather another series of Buffy be done by Joss Whedon,(even if it does mean doing it with out Sarah Michelle Gellar, which would be strange.) Joss Whedon has a great imagination and his script work was totally amazing on both Buffy and Angel. I live in hope to see more of Joss’s work with Buffy and Angel. work with them

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Michelle :

What a crock of shite! No Joss Whedon?! None of his characters, either, which is all of them—Spike, Willow, Xander, Giles, Dawn, Faith, Angel—none of them will be there. There won’t even be Buffy ’cause for better worse, SMG is Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, no substitutes accepted. So take what’s-her-face, your sorry excuse for a script and stick it where the sun don’t shine, you money-grubbing attention whore!

God, I can only hope that a previous commentor is right and this is just empty-talk. Not that I’d accept this trash as canon any more than I do the original movie, but I don’t want my last memory of Buffy to be this garbage.

Saturday 5 March 2005, by alias :

Alright, well first of all...if they come out with a series like that, I would die before I’d watch it. Most of the fans love the show because it’s down to earth, but mixes with the paranormal all at the same time. Having Buffy frozen and brought back in a demon/human living-together world, would be so stupid! Doing a show like that would totally and completely ruin the whole story line, and embarrass the original Buffy/Angel shows, all together. Plus, if they casted THAT actress to play as Buffy...I would never ever watch it at all. I think I speak for all the Buffy/Angel fans, when I say, "Doing a new series like that, is retarded."

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Danae :

this article made me laugh. i have one thing to say: bullshit.

haha...buffy isn’t joss’ baby...haha, yeah right! they’re a riot.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Anonymous :

THIS IS A HOAX! Apparently the man responsible for this has done this MANY times before just for fun.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by JC :


Sunday 6 March 2005, by Carrie S. Burlington, VT :

After reading this article I’m not sure if I want to boycott this new show or barf in disgust.

The original Buffy movie was absolute garbage, the worst movie i’ve ever seen. I’m perfectly fine if they took Kristy Swanson type character and put her into a bizzaro world, although I would never watch it.

I was absolutly appalled when this "anonymous source" claimed that Buffy was not Joss’s baby. Sure buffy was invented by someone else, but Joss adopted this child, loved it and rasied it as his own. The character then grew into something so incredible that it’s parents’ wanted to take the credit for it’s accomplishments in the world.

I for one would never watch anything Buffy related if Joss Whedon was not involved in any portion of the production process. And before I would ever watch another Buffy or Angel themed movie and/or series, Buffy and all of it’s characters must be portrayed by the original actors.

In my opinion the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer mythos should rest in peace.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Andrea :

Any true Buffy fan wouldn’t watch a buffy series with Joss. It just wouldn’t be right.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Wolverine68 :

A new idea is always a good thing. Before you bash it, give it a chance.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by raven :

Wait, what? This totally doesn’t make any sense. It is not buffy if SMG and the whole cast is there, it’s not the same show and shouldn’t have the title buffy in it. Joss and his crew are the only people who can use the buffy name and story, anyone else just makes it look and sound like crap...see above article

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Thomas :

All I can say is that if they go through with this monstrousity, they had better be ready for some major scruteny like is happening in this forum. And doesn’t it make you wonder if this is BS or not since this "sony-excutive" doesn’t wish to say his/her name? I wonder what would happen if they were made known to the world. I guess what I am getting at is that because they arent wanting to let themselves be known for this supposed news of a new series is because they are just wanting to watch out for any "bridges being burned" by their actions. Im sure this person knows Joss and this would totally screw his career. But just like this news-story we all have read, what Im saying here is all heresay as well. I personally dont think that Joss would allow this to happen without his hand in the works. The again, if this is true (what is said about Joss’s part in the original Buffy Movie and this possibility of a new spin-off) then God help us all that it doesnt destroy what we all have learned to love in the Buffy/Angelverse that we all adore.

Monday 7 March 2005, by Joe :

Funniest thing I’ve ever heard. This show would suck. Whatever, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.

Monday 7 March 2005, by Gonzo :

No way, i think it would really suck to do a buffy without any original cast in it!

Tuesday 8 March 2005, by Anonymous :

not the greatest sounding script.. but if they had sarah to play buffy id eagerly watch it ... but that isnt going to happen; i would welcome additional shows to the "buffyverse" u just CANT have another actress play buffy.. just wrong.. make her some other slayer

Thursday 24 March 2005, by Chandler :

I’m so sorry, but this is just stupid garbage! Don’t get me wrong It’s an idea but one that should never be put to screen.

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