Saturday 5 March 2005, by Anonymous :

It looks like Rocky from "MASK"

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Bouncy X :

i think he’s really cute too...but he doesnt look much like the show..its too bad cuz it cant be that hard to replicate it, i mean they have the original pictured on the box but i’ll get it anyway because i just have to own it...too bad they didnt make a vamp-face version as well, that would be soooo funny

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Sam :

Orange eyebrow?!?!

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Anonymous :

Not nearly good enough to make me part with my hard earned. I bet his nose doesn’t even come off. What’s the point of having Puppet Angel if his nose doesn’t come off. I ask you!

Monday 7 March 2005, by SpikesSire :

*pukes* that’s the ugliest replica of Puppet Angel around the world, my blind grandmother could do a better one. *arrgh* I hope no one will buy such crap so a better puppet will be made.

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