Saturday 5 March 2005, by Sam :

Wow. Your government needs to seriously sort its bloody priorities out.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Anonymous :

Just a promotional ploy for the film... This is taken from the film synopsis

"The film deals with a grieving mother, Martha (Barbeau), trying to uncover the terrifying secret that is jeopardizing her family. Along with her son (Brendon), Martha becomes entwined in a conspiracy involving a fabled witch, Nazi occultists and the U.S. government. The film is inspired by an actual military document found discussing elements of Nazi witchcraft that were smuggled into small town Pennsylvania following World War II by the U.S. administration"

I’ve worked in film PR before - It’s all about trying to stir up a controversy so "hopefully" people will talk about your film.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by SUSAN :

Departement of Defense..?? Makes me wanna see this movie more and more..Well we all know Hitler/ was a nut for the occult/witchcraft.

Sunday 6 March 2005, by Anonymous :

Very creative. Like when the movie ’Hackers’ official site was hacked into and defaced, (jury’s still out on that one) or the ’I, Robot’ page that was set in such a format so as to make it look like you could purchase an NS-5 sometime in the recent future.

Either that, or... *gets abducted by gestapo-like men in black*

These comments are an anwser to this article : Nicholas Brendon - ’Unholy’ Movie Website Closed By USA Departement Of Defense

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