Thursday 24 March 2005, by 5x5 :

I always kinda wondered where the makeup stopped on Andy/Lorne...

Thursday 24 March 2005, by Sam :

Thats a great photo with James and Alexis. I believe it was taken when ALexis visited the set on the last day after his character had died.

Thursday 24 March 2005, by wicked_willow :

I love Spike. I like the one with Andy Hallet (lorne) :-)

Thursday 24 March 2005, by Mary :

Giggle. I love James in the puffy jacket!

Friday 25 March 2005, by Spazzitc Spike :

ahh, thats how they did the hands cut off scene, that is truly amazing, .... now I actually am ok about watching it, and thats not being morbid, just spike being hurt.... big no I’m a dummy. but I love james and i want his parts intact, thats all. ok.... i’m gonna go before this sounds any dumber than it already is....... heh.

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