Thursday 24 March 2005, by Anonymous :

wtf they not even showing da last episodes, damn that sukz. Ep 7 was the shit.

Thursday 24 March 2005, by Ian :

Not Cool Man, Seems all My Shows have been going down the Drain, PP Angel, Tru Calling, Wonderfalls, This sucks!

Friday 25 March 2005, by AngelFan17 :

Screw Fox.

Friday 25 March 2005, by Anonymous :

I HATE Fox. They cancel the good shows and start all those boring and brainless reality shows. :S

Saturday 26 March 2005, by Katie :

Well, not to sound terribly mean or anything, but.. Thank GOD for that. ’Point Pleasant’ was an awful awful awful show.

Saturday 26 March 2005, by Inge :

You know I get that fox needs to see good ratings but they should at least give new shows a fair chance to prove and find themselves. It is not fair to give a new show about 9 weeks to become a hit. Some series just need a little time to develope a steady fan base. The people at Fox don’t seem very nice or understanding, and for gods sake why couldn’t they just air the last three eps. Wow I’m really angry (but you must’ve noticed that allready huh?) Marti don’t give up and just keep doing what you’re doing becuase it’s great even if Fox disaggrees!!!!!!!

These comments are an anwser to this article : Marti Noxon confirms ’Point Pleasant’ Cancellation

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