Friday 1 April 2005, by trish : Aww thats a nice pic. Different from what we seen on the show that season, lol. And look, no Spike/JM! That’s a first. I’m kinda gladFriday 1 April 2005, by Alyson Hannigan Rocks!! : Oh my God!!So,so,sooooooo cute!!!God I adore Alyson Hannigan!!Especially when she makes funny faces!!!She’s even beautiful like that!! I adore the 2nd one ’cause group photos with Amber are really rare...I mean hello,two and a halph years a couple with Willow and she is not in the pics???!!! *sigh* Anyway... Thank you!!!I really hadn’t seen these pics... :D Friday 1 April 2005, by Anonymous : And yeah,I too am happy about the lack of James,nothing against him,but he’s everywhere from the beginning when he didn’t really deserve it,and other actors who DID deserve it they weren’t...Friday 1 April 2005, by jackieblond : AWW...i LOVE these! Hey everyone, i’ve figured out where they are the third Season 6 episode ’Afterlife’, Buffy looks at some pictures in the frame of her mirror or something and they are all of this lot(above) looking happy, then all the images turn into skeletons....this is just after she’s come back from the dead and cleaned up i think and Willow & Tara are talking about whether she’s going to be ok....i hope my post is accurate...? check it out people!Saturday 2 April 2005, by Ali : I checked out a screencapping site, and you’re very right, this is the shoot used for the pics in "Afterlife".Sunday 3 April 2005, by Jen : Wow, kudos for figuring that out! =DSunday 3 April 2005, by Anonymous : Weren’t those taken for the season six episode ’After Life’? They look just like the pictures Buffy had on her dresser mirror that changed into dead versions of them. That explains the missing James and Tony.Monday 30 May 2005, by greg : hello look at the title of the page! it says ’buffy 6x03 ’afterlife’ - yada, yada, yada, so don’t feel so smart ppl!These comments are an anwser to this article : Buffy 6x03 ’Afterlife’ - Prop Photoshoot Outtakes - Medium Quality Photos 1