Tuesday 5 April 2005, by Anonymous :

can anyone translate the interview? Please????

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Liz :

It’s nothing really new. Sarah’s talking about setting up a campagne for better coffee in England!! The interviewer is apparantly very taken with her since she calls her ’a dream to interview’ and saying she’s incredibly nice and a real hero for helping out people after the fires in california and everything. Sarah talks about filming ’The Grudge’ , loving japanese movies, and how it’s a great thing kids these days have a rolemodel like Buffy to look up to, as in her teenage years it was usually a bimbo in rollerblades or something. She also says she dislikes the fact that, in Hollywood, everything is about youth and beauty and that’s why she and Freddie love to go back to New York about once a month. At the end of the interview Sarah walks Tara back to the elevator and tells her she had a good time and that, during most interviews, she is reminded of Hugh Grant in Notting Hill and that she wishes Freddie was there so they could talk about Asian movies for hours. The interviewer finishes her story saying that while she waves goodbye, she’s already missing Sarah.

It’s a pretty good interview, a pretty good translation to dutch, since most of the time the translation is really bad. Especially since Sarah is so quick of wit and funny, that can be pretty hard to translate. However, Sarah is still funny and witty, as she always is and the interviewer seems to love her.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Sarah Michelle Gellar - PMagazine (Belgium) March 2005 - Good Quality Scans

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