Sunday 3 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Hi i got a reply from the email address ssaying -

You shouldn’t have found me. Now they know. Keep one eye in front, one eye in back. Die Soldaten

Sunday 3 April 2005, by Sam :

That’s making a kind of sense that’s...not.

Sunday 3 April 2005, by Ally :

These hidden messages aren’t all there is to this... there’s a real mystery ensuing here... check the following forum for a whole discussion.

Sunday 3 April 2005, by Eduardo :

that’s real clever marketing! cool I hope it’s a hit!

Monday 4 April 2005, by Pinay Panda :

I wrote it also, I received:

Please.  Think of yourself.  You wouldn’t be safe from the Die Soldaten.  Don’t cl

Monday 4 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I got a similar reply: You don’t know what you’ve just uncovered. You aren’t safe. Die Soldaten.

"Die Soldaten" is German for "The Soldiers", for what it’s worth.

Can anyone out there translate the actual meaning?!

Monday 4 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I got a reply that said "Please. The less you know, the safer you are. I want you to sleep."

Monday 4 April 2005, by Faith :

I got this when I emailed it.

You shouldn’t have emailed it. Now they’re watching you.

This excites me and makes me really want to see it.

Monday 4 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I sent them 2 emails the second one said "They’re watching you. Die Soldaten. Don’t sleep."

Monday 4 April 2005, by Vampyr Boi :

Has anyone else actually sent email to the address on the site?... I sent an email and got one in return that says "You’re not safe. Why did you email me? Don’t sleep. Don’t sleep."

Tuesday 5 April 2005, by amy :

I got a reply saying "Martha, help me!"

Tuesday 5 April 2005, by Anonymous :

it appears that this is an ARG (alternative reality game) go to the link another poster listed. Sounds like it’s going to be fun.

Friday 8 April 2005, by Anonymous :

i got a another email this time with an attachment i dont know how to send it over here but i am sure u will all receive it.

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