Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

she looks pretty. her hair looks lovely that color.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

she looks AWESOME! which does NOT surprise me! i LOVE the brown hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the outfit and THE SARAH!

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

its so good to c pixs of her she looks gorgeous and if u look on her left hand ring finger wedding band also hair colour amazing!!!!

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous : it me or does this really not look like her. Is it just the new hair color or what? When I saw the first two images, I thought that it wasn’t her.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Shel :

she looks beautiful!!!! i love her outfit and her hair color!! thanks for sharing these pics!

Sunday 10 April 2005, by SUSAN :

Is that Sarah Gellar(Or a Sarah double)because it doesnt look like her very much...Ive seen her with dark hair before and you can see its Sarah..But these...????

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Great pix! Sarah looks more beautiful than ever.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by AngelusGirl :

Sarah looks great, she looks healthier and more rested than i’ve seen her in a while. He natural hair color definitely suits her.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I’m glad she has brown hair.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

is that a partially smoked long cigarette I see in her cup in the first picture? I didn’t realize Sarah has resumed her smoking habit

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Nic :

It’s a straw, not a cigarette. :) Not that that means she still couldn’t smoke, though.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

It’s clearly a straw and the guy whose pictures they belong to says its straw. She looks so HEALTHY and glowy.

Sunday 10 April 2005, by Anonymous :

she DOESN’T smoke.!! she said she didn’t smoke or drink in an interview I read.

Monday 11 April 2005, by Anonymous :

alright for the last time sarah michelle gellar does not smoke she never smoked she hates smoker both her and freddie and again she looks great

Monday 11 April 2005, by Anonymous :

That is her natural hair color, she’s the type that can look good in both blonde and burnette :)

Monday 11 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Ignore the freak with the smoking obsession. He’s joined every board out there just so that he can go on and on making ridiculous claims about Sarah smoking (not that it’d matter if she did, but she’s made it clear she tried it when younger, and really dislikes the whole idea now). The fact that he could mistake what is obviously a straw for a cigarette might actually explain a lot. That must by why he’s so convinced she smokes. He sees her holding totally random objects and convinces his deluded brain that she’s holding a cigarette.

Monday 11 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Brunette is my absolute favorite color on her. It makes her looks so natural. I guess because I remember when she was a brunette on AMC. Unlike some people, I actually watched her on that show. I can see why she says she like’s brown hair better.

Monday 11 April 2005, by Sam :

Wow she looks great. Although still slim less twig like which is great. Good luck to her.

Thursday 14 April 2005, by Pari :

She looks good and I’m sure she’s happy not having to dye her hair, beautiful ’natural’ brunette. I think she looks better natural

Friday 15 April 2005, by Anonymous :

she looks great, but she’s really diferent. it’s not the hair... the skin in her face is really stretched... i guess she shouldn’t take any more plastic surgerys... anyway, she looks really good and healthy...

Saturday 16 April 2005, by Anonymous :

To the idiot that posted on April 15th that suggested Sarah shouldn’t have any more plastic surgery, get your facts straight. She’s never had plastic surgery, and she doesn’t look any different in the pictures either. It always surpises me how blind the people who post here can be. Maybe you are confusing her with that silicone infested barbie doll on the show that will remain nameless.

Sunday 17 April 2005, by Anonymous :

she has never had plastic surgery you twit.

Sunday 17 April 2005, by Anonymous :

lol plastic surgery. some people are so hilarious. not. her skin looks very refreshed, glowing and doesn’t look the least bit stretched or injected with anything. i love her natural hair color, it brings out her eyes.

Monday 18 April 2005, by Anonymous :

does any one know when this movie is coming out?

Thursday 21 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I don’t want to be accusued like the other poster of being a "freak", but the fact is that not only did SMG smoke in at least one period of her life, but she smoked in the films "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Harvard Man", and also in a "Saturday Night Live" sketch. Her official position, of course, has always been anti-smoking.

Friday 22 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I heard she is going to keep her hair brown.

Friday 22 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Just because a character smokes in a movie or sketch doesn’t mean the person is really smoking. They are pretending. Acting. Sarah doesn’t smoke and it is clearly a straw.

Thursday 28 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I don’t see why people think this isn’t her. I’ve been a fan of Sarah’s for over 12 years. I’ve known what she looks like since Swans crossing. These pictures look just like her. I can’t believe a hair color can manipulate some of the idiots on this site.

Saturday 30 April 2005, by Belleau :

Oh for heaven’s sake. She has not had plastic surgery! She looks beautiful. I was in the audience during a taping of Rosie O’Donnell that she was on and they allow guest questions during the breaks. Someone asked Sarah if she smoked and what her stance was on it. She said that she tried it for a while because she thought it was sexy, but she hated the taste and it affected her taste buds so she stopped. She said she smoked for about two weeks and couldn’t do it. She also said that her stance was that her health was more important.

Sunday 1 May 2005, by Anonymous :

People get a life!

Friday 6 May 2005, by Aurora :

To the person who mentioned that Sarah must be glad to not have to dye her hair anymore - I agree that she looks awesome as a brunette, and yes brunette is her natural hair colour. However, the colour she is sporting in these pictures is obviously a dye, no matter how close it is to her real colour.

Monday 9 May 2005, by Anonymous :

Most natural brunettes dye their hair as well. Sarah isn’t an unusual case. Charisma doesn’t have her natural color either. Sarah won’t have to retouch as often because her roots won’t show up against her hair as much.

Monday 9 May 2005, by Anonymous :

what she said on the rosie o’donnell show doesn’t square with celebrity gossip people who claim she smokes at every party or premiere she attends. classic behavior to protect one’s public image. BTW — who cares if she smokes

Monday 7 August 2006, by Peter :

My, Sarah looks very nice. I think she should stick with her natural hair color, she looks very pretty as a brunette. Let me end this thing about smoking, I read in an old time magazine that she did smoke when she was younger but has kicked the habit and now she hates the idea of anyone doing drugs. YAH!!! SARAH

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