Saturday 23 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Gilmore Girls?!!!!! What the hell is that guy smoking!!!

Saturday 23 April 2005, by krapnek :

Gilmore Girls has sort of the same wit as Buffy - Veronica Mars hasn’t. But if you’d combine Gilmore Girls with Veronica Mars you’d have a pretty good Buffy... except for the fantasy, sci-fi, adventure and horror. (and when I say sci-fi I mean season 4)

Sunday 24 April 2005, by Eduardo :

Gilmore Girls is so "wit" that it gets boring/dumb.

No one talks like that in real life. No one thinks that fast. I think it’s really lame.

Monday 25 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I have to say I am a 31 year old woman and I love Veronica Mars. The kiss between her and Logan had my hormones racing. The chemistry between those two is wonderful and I can’t wait for more. Also as a huge Buffy/Angel fan I agree it isn’t the next Buffy but it is still an awesome show and Kristen Bell is wonderful at playing a strong, ingenious, and indepentent woman.

Monday 16 May 2005, by Anonymous :

I agree with the other poster. I am 32 and a HUGE Buffy fan. After reading about VM on the web, I decided to try it out for a Buffy replacement. I think it comes pretty close. Some of the mysteries of the week are lame (as were some of Buffy’s), but the main plot is great and I disagree that there isn’t awesome character development. If you’ve watched the whole season, you’d definitely agree.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Veronica Mars compared to Buffy - Matt Roush Answers

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