Friday 13 May 2005, by Anonymous : he looks like a loser with his head shaved he has big earsFriday 13 May 2005, by Anonymous : male or female wrote this? - if male - jealous, girl - blindFriday 13 May 2005, by Anonymous : Aw, I think you really need glasses, because you’re obviously horribly wrong. James is an amazingly sexy man, with or without his trademark hair. Perhaps you can get a life or something akin to one. Keep your kindergarten comments to yourself, kthx.Friday 13 May 2005, by Anonymous : Ack he’s certainly fallen from grace.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Gilesina : Take a look at his upper arm in that last pic - he may be a little thin, but he’s hardly emaciated/unhealthy. I think that he’s good looking, though that’s a matter of opinion, of course. I definitely like his look better than the chunky look we were getting from some of the other Buffy/Angel guys. He’s what - 42 or 43 or so? Looking very good.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anonymous : I think James looks good, he is naturally thin and has just gone down to a normal weight for him. I think trying to stop smoking and eating sweet things made him put on weight before. I never realised how much weight he’d put on until looking at Angel 5 straight after watching Buffy 6.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anonymous : I don’t think he needs to bulk up! He’s never sexier than when he’s thin and toned, like in Season Six of Buffy. But the man does need hair. I’m sort of partial to hair.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anonymous : To each his/her own. Personally I think he looks good. I do prefer him with a bit more hair and a smidge more weight on him. But having been fortunate enough to meet the guy recently and get a hug I can honestly say that up close he looks very good, very well, slim but not skinny. And boy does he give good hug. :0)Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anonymous : I love James to death, but I think he looks tired in these pictures. He looks worn out. I’m not sure, but he looks a little skinnier than usual, too. He’s been very busy lately. He needs a break.Saturday 14 May 2005, by C.C. : It always amazes me how critical people on these boards are. The Buffyverse stars are either too fat or too thin, they’re too tired, they need to do something with their hair, their make-up, their outfit, or whatever. They’re just human beings, though. If one were to take a picture of me, depending on the day, my outfit, my mood, and how much sleep I got the night before, I might sometimes appear too fat or too thin, too tired, or worn out. It’s like we hold these stars up to a higher standard than we do ourselves, and yet they still have days when they didn’t get enough sleep, when they want to relax without worrying about every aspect of their appearance, etc.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anonymous : ok read that he said that in Oz, forgot,not perfect. But, photos in high school - very thin. Northern Exposure - thin. Theatre role photo thin 1995/1996 - thin. So not just making assumptions, using eyes.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anna The Crazy : He looks a little skinners (skinny.) here. As for the Shaved head? If he does a Spike movie at least he’ll grow his hair back and bleach it even though we all know how it hurt poor James but he’s still quite the teddy bear. (Ok I know I am not making any sense. My brain never functions well at this time of day.) I love you James.Saturday 14 May 2005, by Anonymous : Yes, the knee thing is speculation, but it is good speculation. I’ve had knee problems and keeping weight down is important when it comes to keeping pain and problems under control. If that’s the story, I admire him for being able to do it. It’s quite a struggle, because it’s not as if eating that ice cream sundae makes your knee hurt right away.Sunday 15 May 2005, by Anonymous : i think it could be the knee because pain will take your appetite away. I mean he kept the extra weight on through Buffy 7 and Angel 5 so losing it might not be just cosmetic. Mind you reading what he eat in UK he must be feeling better.Monday 16 May 2005, by Anonymous : He told me in Houston that he had just got over the flu and still wasn’t feeling his best. THAT’S WHY HE LOOKS THAT WAY. How about a "Thanks for posting the pictures?" Monday 16 May 2005, by Isabell : I wish people here on the board would try to be more polite toward the opinions of others. Depending on what kind of body type you prefer you either consider James too thin or just right. I used to be eating disordered for 10 yrs. and therefore weight issues are an immanent problem of my every day life... when looking at James I look at him and measure his weight, his body fat and muscle. But guess what - even non-anorexic people do that because we are all slaves to that bloody stupid body image that Hollywood has created/represents. James probably just like any other. My only concern is for James to stay healthy and take care of himself.Tuesday 17 May 2005, by Patrice : yep, i am agreeing with you there isabell, when i first looked at this thread, and of course the pics at the top i thought, wow i have found pretty much a bitching thread about how james is just not right. well everyone is different and everyone likes differnt things about and move on. accept things/people as they are, trying to change them doesn’t work, you aren’t looking at them but at what you think they ought to be. thats my 2 peneth worth (ducks behind a big rock) all that aside, thank you for the pictures, I think they are great and show james just as he is, gorgeous in my opinion. no i don’t need/wear glasses! Wednesday 18 May 2005, by summers7 : Leave the man alone - your all just jealousThursday 19 May 2005, by marsters17 : Leave the poor guy alone. Whats he done to all of you?Sunday 22 May 2005, by Lina : James looked awful in season six?Are you people mad?!The man was THE SEX in that season and boy,does he still look good enough to eat... *drools* I’d do him anytime,skinny or not. ;) Tuesday 24 May 2005, by Anonymous : James is a gorgeous man that looks tired...maybe from the flu,his knee,touring,being on the go 24/7,all of it... He needs a break,needs to relax a bit...and a nice homecooked meal that I’d be happy to feed him by hand...;) JMsPatricia/jamesSoulmateTuesday 24 May 2005, by Anonymous : I like him thinner, he looks younger and the cheekbones are back.Wednesday 29 June 2005, by Impaktita : I think that he’s dropped dead gorgeous, don’t matter if his thin or not. The important thing is that, he’s a good guy inside and out, and that makes him more sexier and badder than any guy that looks physically fit!!! I still love and adore James. It don’t matter if his thinner than the usual, its the inner him that i learn to love...the physique is just a bonus*stick out tounge* Thursday 30 June 2005, by shel : He’s a little guy naturally. Leave him alone.Wednesday 3 August 2005, by Anonymous : who ever said he was ugly is stoopid or jealous cuz he sexy all the timeThese comments are an anwser to this article : James Marsters At Houston Convention April 1-3, 2005 - Good Quality Photos 2