Wednesday 8 June 2005, by chinga :

good gracious, she looks gooood!! wonder, if she looked like this on BtVS, I would’ve liked her character more...

Wednesday 8 June 2005, by Anonymous :

if she looked like this, Dawn wouldve been a totally different character (probably more like Faith than Buffy)...she still looks great though!

Wednesday 8 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Goodness, look at those GORGEOUS eyes. They’re beautiful. I bet she’d be a bit annoyed at everyone being able to see her stubbly armpits though. I love that her arms aren’t hairless. She’s so pretty. <3

Thursday 9 June 2005, by Ina :

She has a SMG nose in those pics, lol.

Thursday 9 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Are you kidding? SMG nose??Michelle has a big potato by way of nose...come on!

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