Monday 13 June 2005, by Anonymous :

I could honestly care less is SMG is actually involved with future Buffy projects. I really don’t think you need her to have something successful in the verse. Not like SMG WOULD do it anyway, but I don’t think it’s neccessary to have her involved. There are plenty of other characters and situations Joss can work with - past, present, future, you name it.

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by Anonymous :

But none as interesting or emotionally satisfying as seeing the amazingly talented SMG as Buffy one more time. Sorry. My heart would NOT be in a Buffy spin off without that "One Girl in All the World".

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by Anonymous :

I think the Buffy characters are done and over with. I think they got a nice send off storyline when Buffy ended. With the Angelverse I’d like to see some more stories over the remaining characters on that show. So DB is out of the game, doesn’t matter. Cordelia and Wesley are dead and they both got such powerful sendoffs. I would love to see Charisma and Alexis again but at the same time, I don’t think it’d work out. Maybe have a show with Illyria, Gunn [if he survived the final battle] and Lorne. Guess they’d still have to have somebody bankable. Would Amy, J., and Andy be enough of a draw for viewers? Kind of doubt it.

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Willow-beloved? By whom? what happened to the Spike movie? Faith & Spike would rock- talk about redemption....

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by Anonymous :

FORTY!!!!!!!!! WTF?!

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Joss can write anything and make it golden. I’ll watch it and eat it up. I’m just getting tired of waiting!! September seems sooooo far away....

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Does Mel Fray count as part of the Buffyverse? She should, because she’s a slayer and Buffy appeared (as a shadow of slayers past) in the comic.

Tuesday 14 June 2005, by John :

While it’d be great to see her back for old times sake, Buffy as a character has had her stories and time. The only ’need’ for her to come back was to complete her unfinished business with Angel & Spike, which they tried to do in ’The Girl In Question’. Faith has the most potential in my opinion with lots of opportunites to explore how she finds herself in the world, on the run and trying to make amends. The best would have been Wesley, but ..... :(

Wednesday 15 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Either do something or shutup already. I love Joss but enough. I also dont want to hear any whining if he cant get Ally or Eliza. He moved on in season 6 of BTVS so it fine for all the other actors to do so now.

Wednesday 15 June 2005, by Pam from WV :

All of you make good points, but let’s face it - if there is a film - it has to be SMG as Buffy. That is the only movie that even stands a chance at getting made and if the script is great, I think Sarah would consider it. If we are talking TV, my vote would be Spike and Faith together. If we are just talking TV movie, I would take anything because I miss these characters so much-all of them!

Wednesday 15 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Let’s face it - we’re all going to argue about what he should do or shouldn’t do, who he should get and what the plot will be, should SMG be involved, what about DB?, and will it be a movie or TV movie. In short, we’re never going to ever come to an agreement and have the same wants/ideals for the future of the Buffyverse. All we do here is raise our opinions, get other people angry, and then start up an arguement - the biggest, seeming to be about SMG. I think that, if anything, he should work with Angel more in the near future - Buffy, I feel like for now, anyway, can come to a rest. The only major "what if?" question is who Buffy ultimately ends up with, if it is either Angel or Spike or (dare I say it?) neither of them.

But right now, I am more eager for him to continue his work with Firefly/Serenity b/c that NEVER got a chance to get 5 or 7 seasons under it’s belt - which it should have been given the chance to. Firefly ended WAY before it should have - Joss had like 6 seasons planned out in that brilliant brain of his, and now that he has the opportunity to work on it, he deserves it and so do the fans who have waited SO long to see something else from the Fireflyverse. So, while I remain true to the Buffyverse, I am that much more excited to see the big damn movie.

And let’s not forget Wonder Woman and sequels to Serenity (b/c there HAVE to be sequels). So even though that might take him away from the Buffyverse I have confidence that he will ultimately return to his biggest and most well-known project. But Joss deserves all of this- bigger fame and for more folks to know about him, b/c he is an amazing story teller and director, and he deserves to get more work, such as Wonder Woman, so I can’t wait to see his upcoming projects!

Wednesday 15 June 2005, by Anonymous :

Hey guys for me its gotta be a character with age such as a vampire or giles because then they have a past which can be brought in some of the best angel episodes were set in the past and the whole holtz story was fantastic. I hope to god i see a finish to angel because its been well over a year and im still hyped about the finnish i mean it we BETTER see him return to save the world. I think if they offered the guy enough money he would return. Joss needs to stop working on different projects because he only has a set time to do this project. Masters has already stated he wouldn’t play spike in a few years time because spike is a vampire and doesnt age while masters is human and obviously does, same for Angel. If Joss Does return to the verse let him finnish of angel first. then if he creates a character to do a spin its still cool. Spike would be cool but conner could be good as he has his whole time on quortoff to explore and they could bring holtze in for a couple of back shots and even special appearences from tghe rest of the guys. What about a quick change of the past and bring wesly back to life. it could be done cordy could make it her last, last, point to save him and you could have every character appear then. hell at this minute in tiime il take a riley show, they could explore where he left buffy to go and how he was recruted into the initative they could then go on to where he is at now. i reckon blucas would be into it and he could be strong enough to be a main character. Ripper was gonna be a good idea and yet it never took off. i was really looking forward to it.

Bottom Line Is: Joss stop the other projects nobody cares about firefly it wasnt your best work. thats fine it was better than anything i could do but your best is with whendonverse buffyverse which ever you wanna call it. so stop playing about and finnish this fantastic story before its too late you know its the right thing to do. Storys have a begining middle and an END followed some times by a before and an after now get into gear and complete it.

Wednesday 15 June 2005, by Emily :

Yes, because Joss is going to read this and do EXACTLY what you say. Did you even watch Firefly? Go at it with an open mind? Sorry, but this is just the project that Joss should be working on...Angel got 4 and 1/2 more years than Firefly did, so I think that Firefly deserves getting worked on more than Angel.

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