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Alyson Hannigan

Alyson Hannigan has just ’Met your Mother’

Saturday 5 March 2005, by Webmaster

Former "Buffy" star Alyson Hannigan - most recently guesting on "Veronica Mars" - has apparently signed for a new TV sitcom.

Hannigan, who recently dropped out of the Jennifer Love Hewitt pilot "In the Game", which didn’t get the greenlight anyway, is headlining CBS’s "How I Met your Mother", says a post in the AHAS Forum.

Hannigan’s father broke the news : "I just spoke with Aly and she had just come from signing for an upcoming Pilot. She was really excited and thinks it will be a lot of fun. Name: How I Met Your Mother. It is a CBS pilot, and will tape live, though some of it will be pretaped due to the nature of the show. I have more details about it, but I am sure there will be more on the entertainment news wires soon", he tells.

He adds, "Here is what I got from her so far: There are 3 lifelong friends that are now old and reflecting back on their life. Alyson will play the fiance or girlfriend of one of these friends, the main one I believe. If I understood her correctly, most of the show will take place in 2005, and the use of the old man telling about his past will be mainly done with some narration, maybe a short scene at the beginning before flashing back...but the show will mostly take place in 2005 when the 3 friends were all much younger. I picture it something like the movie "Little Big Man" with Dustin Hoffman if any of you remember that movie. Dustin was the old man telling about his life, and most of the movie flashed back to his younger years. That’s the best I can do to explain it".

Carter Bays and Craig Thomas ("American Dad," "Method & Red") will pen the pilot, with Josh Radnor co-starring.

What this means for future appearances from Hannigan on "Veronica Mars" - they were talking regular at one stage - is yet to be seen.

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