From AngelAngel 5x15 A Hole In The World - SpoilersWednesday 25 February 2004, by Webmaster Episode 5.15: Another Day in L.A. (unconfirmed title) Airdate: Winter/Spring 2004 01/19 - This episode is directed by Joss Whedon and is mainly about Fred. Fred is attacked by a demon and when Wes comes to save her they get a little closer... Source: (Thanks Charlie and Emma for the tip.) 01/19 - Harmony sets out on a quest to win her soul. Spike tangles with a Morah demon and becomes a new man. Angel gets a lead from the Wolfram & Hart seers that a young man with superpowers named Scott is in town and may be in trouble. He tracks Scott to a club and while he’s there a trigger in his mind gets activated. Gunn is offered more power if he merges with the... An incorporeal Lilah informs Fred that her parents have been murdered by ninja cyborgs and claims Knox was the one who sent them. Lorne gets kidnapped by eyeless men in robes. Wesley comes across papers signed by Angel authorizing a mind wipe. After Fred’s vengeance is carried out, D’Hoffryn appears to offer her a job. Source: An Angel’s Soul (Thanks Max for the tip.) 01/06 - One of the characters will be named Scott, a youthful and good looking 17-19 years old. There will be scenes in a bar with a tall and intimidating club bouncer and club goers of 18-25 years old. Source: 13 Forum messages |