From FireflyBrowncoats raise over $12,000 for charityThursday 4 August 2005, by Webmaster Charity Fundraiser [Equality Now] We are proud to announce that our charity fundraiser at ComicCon was an enormous success! Thanks to all the generous Browncoats who donated to the cause, we managed to raise $12,374.79 for Equality Now! (Needless to say, the Equality Now folks are thrilled!!) Equality Now is Joss Whedon’s favorite charity, and we are honored to have had the opportunity to contribute to their efforts. Being a fan of a sci-fi show is sometimes all about the drama, the humor, the hotties, and the special effects. But the beautiful thing about Joss’s work is that underneath all the glitz is a core philosophy of empowerment and equality. Joss is re-writing gender roles, making the audience more accepting of women in powerful roles, and showing us the inherent danger of blindly following obsolete stereotypes. He humanizes the marginalized, empowers the weak, and captures the murky, conflicting ambiguity of real-life morality. "Joss Whedon has given us many strong and positive role models for girls and women, as well as for boys and men. His vision, which he delivers with humor as well as compassion, is much needed. Equality Now is grateful to Joss Whedon for all that he has done, through his work and otherwise, to advance the cause of Equality Now to end violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world."
"My biggest concentration was gender studies and feminism. That was sort of my unofficial minor. That was what all my film work was about."