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From Bbc.co.uk

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Budget Buffy Season DVD Box Sets

Wednesday 7 April 2004, by Webmaster

Budget Buffy

Cheaper versions of the DVD box sets are coming soon.

Many of you have spotted that budget versions of the Buffy season DVD box sets of seasons one to six are available in other territories such as Australia.

Well, the good news is that as of 24th May Buffy fans in the UK can also get hold of the cheaper sets.

Here at the BBC we’re loath to talk about such dirty subjects as money, but suffice to say the new releases mark a significant saving. Previously, the sets have retailed at around £80. Now, some sites are quoting the new sets as significantly under the £40 mark.

So, it’s good news all round; whether you’re a fan who wants to replace his VHS copies or someone new to the series.

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