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May be hope that Wonderfalls could live on in Canada

By AurraSing

Wednesday 7 April 2004, by Webmaster

Date Posted: 09:25:31 04/05/04 Mon

Author: AurraSing

Subject: News for Canadian Wonderfalls fans.

In reply to: radioreverie ’s message, "Wonderfalls cancelled" on 04:07:26 04/04/04 Sun

A fellow poster over at the TrekBBS pointed this out:

I just got off the phone with my local Global TV affiliate. While the network is tied to the Fox broadcast of Wonderfalls — which means they won’t be able to continue running the show now that Fox has cancelled it, the programming person tells me that Global execs are possibly considering buying the series, at the very least to complete its run.

Apparently, while the show tanked in the US (ratings-wise), it was considered a break out hit here in Canada.

If you are in Canada, and you’re a Wonderfalls fan, I urge you to call your local Global affiliate ASAP and express your support of the show. It won’t do our American friends much good, sadly, but at least it might impact whether we’re able to see the rest of the series up here. There is also always a remote chance that production could continue in Canada, a la Due South, though I couldn’t get the Global person to say whether that’s on the table or not (she probably wouldn’t know anyway).



I’ve already emailed Global Calgary (the closest station and one I do watch) and will try phoning as well. Can’t hurt,can it?

3 Forum messages

  • Canada Rocks !

    It always did !

  • According to the Toronto Global affiliate, Global Television has no intentions of purchasing the remaining episodes so there is some kind of disconnect between Calgary and Toronto.
  • > May be hope that Wonderfalls could live on in Canada

    7 April 2004 19:17, by Anonymous
    I don’t live in Canada and I don’t know too much about Canadian TV but I do know that we get alot of yall’s shows on the Noggin Channel (i.e: Degrassi: TNG, some others I can’t think of right now). So maybe if Wonderfalls gets picked up over there then Noggin can pick it up over here. So I say yay Canada! Please pick up Wonderfalls.