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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon - "Wonder Woman" Movie - Rachel Bilson Iesb.net Video Interview

Robert Sanchez

Sunday 17 September 2006, by Webmaster

I love it how internet rumors get started, some idiot on some crappy gossip magazine hears a rumor on the web and the next thing you know every piss-on website picks up the news as gospel.

What am I ranting about? Some gossip outlet picked up on a rumor that Rachel Bilson had been tapped to play Wonder Woman. Is there any truth to the rumor? No, not at all. We here at the IESB had heard the rumor and few weeks ago and decided to ask Rachel Bilson during the press junket for The Last Kiss, which opens today.

When I asked her if she was in the running for Wonder Woman, she was genuinely shocked to hear the rumor and stated that this was the first time she had heard about it and that was not aware of the rumors at all.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. We have reposted the interview so that you can click on video below and hear Rachel herself reacting very surprised at the mention of Wonder Woman.

Plus a quick call to a studio insider revealed that she is little too old and little too short for what Joss Whedon has planned.