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Wonder Woman (canceled)

Joss Whedon - "Wonder Woman" Movie - The Future of DC Comics Superhero Movies

Sunday 3 August 2008, by Webmaster


2. Complete the DC Trinity

DC is now publishing a weekly comic called Trinity that focuses on the three major points of the isosceles triangle that is the DC superhero universe - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. But which of these things is not like the other, at least, in terms of movie adaptations? That’s right, Wonder Woman is the last of DC’s big three to make it to the big screen, and her presence is sorely missed. While WW has never been as successful as Bats or Superman, she is probably THE biggest female icon in comic book history, and, if DC/Warners wants to have a complete film universe, they NEED to finally greenlight a Wonder Woman movie and it needs to be treated just like the recent Bat/Supes franchises - as a stand-alone movie targeted at revamping the character for modern audiences. While we’d love to see Joss Whedon’s plans for a WW movie - the Buffy creator spent more than a year working on a script until it was ultimately rejected by producers - we’d be happy with ANY forward motion on a Wonder Woman movie at this point. Having the trinity of DC heroes finally complete on the big screen is so important that we’d probably rank it as a higher priority than working on yet more Batman or Superman sequels at this point. Who would we like to see tackle a Wonder Woman movie? If we can’t have Joss, what about script by WW comic book scribe Gail Simone and Juno scripter Diablo Cody directed by Girlfight’s Karyn Kusama? Kusama and Cody are already working together on the horror movie Jennifer’s Body, staring Megan Fox, an actress whom many lonely, lonely men would love to see in the star-spangled bustier. (We’d wait until after we see Jennifer’s Body to make our final call on that particular piece of dream casting.)


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