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Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris directs "The Expert at the Card Table" Show in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Sunday 3 August 2008, by Webmaster

The Edinburgh Fringe 2008 Show #2

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The Fringe really is like an extended family, no matter where you look old friends pop up for a quick ‘hello’ (and the invariable flyer handed to you for their show), but that’s all part of the fun. Spot where I suddenly spy some people in today’s show.

Speaking of old friends, Stephen K Amos is the first interview of today - having appeared on the Fringe podcast every year I’m worried that if I don’t have him I’ll jinx the show. In any case he’s one of the stars of British stand-up, and deservedly so. I also caught up for the first time with The Stage’s review team, and ask them what shows have drawn their eye as they flip through the program.

Finally, Guy Hollingworth is one of the greatest close-up magicians Britian has produced. many years ago, he had a rough and ready show at edinburgh called ‘Expert at the Card Table.’ It’s now back, with Neil Patrick Harris directing a fascinating look into the world both of magic, and of cheating.