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Seth Green

Seth Green: From “Buffy” to “Austin” to “Scooby” - Teenblvd.com Interview

By Lynn Barker

Saturday 27 March 2004, by Webmaster

You might have first met him as Oz, the werewolf in love with Willow on “Buffy”. Cute Seth Green was recently notable as Dr. Evil’s son in the “Austin Powers” films, a tech Geek running a huge heist in The Italian Job and he’ll soon make us laugh in Without a Paddle, a comedy film in which he co-stars with Scooby’s “Shaggy” Matthew Lillard.

Seth Green as Scott Evil in Austin Powers
Credit: New Line Cinema

Seth has been acting since he was a little kid and he is still bubbly and enthusiastic about it. He’s also very funny. He was happy to talk about his part as geeky Patrick in the new Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed and working again with his “Buffy” co-star Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Seth: (bouncing into the room) What’s going on?

TeenHollywood: Interviews and more interviews! I don’t think you have that many scenes with Sarah but is this the first time you worked with her since “Buffy”? Has she changed?

Seth: Yeah.

Seth Green as Oz in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Credit: UPN
I will say this about Sarah...in the last few years, I think her getting married, her getting a real sense of comfort with who she is as a person, she’s much happier. She just seems to radiate a sense of comfort in her own skin and that’s great. I’ve known her since I was 9 years old. We used to do commercials together in New York. And I have the utmost respect and admiration for her. I think she’s a really talented actress. I think she’s handled herself very gracefully through everything that she’s had to experience in the last 6-7 years. It was great. It was really nice to see her. Freddie is such a phenomenal influence and a wonderful guy. I just love that guy so much.

TeenHollywood: And because you knew these people, was it easy to come into this Scooby franchise?

Seth: It makes a huge difference because there’s a lot of guess work taken out. I’ve known Sarah forever and I was in Freddie’s first movie and Linda (Cardellini) I was a fan of but never knew before and Matthew (Lillard) and I have known each other in passing but I’ve always wanted to work with him.

TeenHollywood: All the monster costumes were awesome. What did they look like on the set?


Real neat because the design of them was so authentic. It looked great and the sets were unbelievable and I hope on the DVD they do some sort of photo documentation especially the Faux Ghost set. They’re so amazing in person. Every time I walked onto the set I thought `This is movie-making right here! They made an environment that doesn’t exist so it was really fun.

TeenHollywood: Sarah has said she liked working with you because of the suggestions you made. Was it the kind of set where people could make a lot of suggestions?

Seth: This is a good group of people who encourage one another to be good. No one was out to sabotage anyone’s performance and it was very collaborative. If somebody had an idea I didn’t think of, they’d tell me and that’s great. That’s what it should be like. You’re making a movie together - you’re not jockeying for screen time.

TeenHollywood: Linda goes from geek to glam - which chick do you prefer?

Seth: I’m such a sucker for punker girls, I really am. For the bad a** head cases (laugh). You know they’re just trouble but there’s something about the aesthetic of it that’s always attracted me. It’s not very practical but what are you going to do?

TeenHollywood: So you date them?

Seth: They never date me for whatever reason.

I always end up going up against the people with definitive opinions about the stuff that I like. Or I’ll say `what do you think about this?’ and I’ll get ‘Blight on the stomach culture’. (laugh) How do you respond to that? `Well you know, I really like that - I guess I’m just one of those mindless sheep or one of those 7 million people that bought the record. (laugh)

TeenHollywood: Did you have an instant liking for Linda?

Seth: Immediate. I make a real effort to genuinely meet people and she’s real easy to get along with. She’s such a nice girl, so smart and really talented. We got the benefit of spending some off-time together and hanging out and going to the movies or playing board games.

TeenHollywood: She said you make up your own rules for Scrabble.

Seth: I trade. I trade letters.

Seth Green as Lyle in The Italian Job
Credit: Paramount’s
Here’s the thing. It’s like anybody got an E, an E for a D? I’m not underhanded. Some people trade and some people don’t - I’ll play both ways. I just feel like the trading - it’s less about who can make the best score than you’ve got a great word but just an E away so take my E and make the word. C’mon. It’s so much more about having a great board than being competitive and `I’m smarter, I win’. You’re playing a game. So yeah, I trade letters, so what??!!

TeenHollywood: What bands do you listen to?

Seth: All sorts of stuff.

I’ve got such a vast musical library it would probably freak you out. I have a jukebox that I’m putting together and I literally have everything from Willie BoBo to Frank Sinatra. I’m up to 30 CDs so it’s a huge mix and it holds 120 and I’m really excited about that accomplishment. It’s pretty slow going. I have to burn them all. It’s a project but I’m obsessive about it. We had a lot of good bands on the show too.

TeenHollywood: You did a scary-looking stunt with Linda. What about that?

Seth: Wasn’t that crazy? She was strapped in and I had a safety belt but man I had to grab her.

That was one of those cool moments where the first time we did it, we did it with a stunt lady who kept saying `You’re not going to be able to grab my hand’ and I’m like `I’m going to grab your hand. I’m going to pretend that if I don’t grab your hand, you’re going to die’ so the second that thing went, I went for her and caught her solid around the wrist. I looked at her `You’re not going anywhere’. That cable is helping you but I’m not going to let her drop. That was my Indiana Jones moment.

TeenHollywood: What’s your favorite summer memory?

Seth:I went to summer camp for 11 years and had a really great time. It was a formative experience and I got to hang out with a lot of cool people. It was very different from going to school because I could reinvent myself. In School, nobody liked me because I was weird, different and verbose. What ya going to do? So I got to go to summer camp and be good at sports all of a sudden. That was fun.

TeenHollywood:Worst summer job?

Seth: I never had a job outside of acting - isn’t that incredibly lucky and believe me, I know it. Wait, I waited on tables in summer camp.

TeenHollywood: Were you into art and making super heroes or something like that?

Seth: Oh that was all for fun. I made for "Buffy", as a wrap gift one season, toys of everybody and put them in packaging and made a lot of personal jokes in the package. Sarah likes sushi so her figure came with a lot of sushi. That’s kind of a personal memory so I don’t know how that came out in the press (laugh).

TeenHollywood: Would you do TV again?

Seth: Yeah. I’m not adverse to any medium. It’s really about the work for me. The reason I did “Greg The Bunny” is I really believed in that project. I thought it was so much fun... it didn’t work out the way we wanted it to. It never really became what everybody hoped it would. You’re kind of crippled by new shows.

TeenHollywood: Was it fun working with Matthew on your new film Without A Paddle?

Seth: Oh my gosh is he great in it!

I’m so excited about this movie and just love, love Matt Lillard. We’re both laughing at how fast it’s going to happen for Dax (Shepard). Actually we met at Groundlings. He used to be in that troupe and I went to do their all improv show one night. He’s so the real deal and he’s going to be a huge success right out of the box. I haven’t seen it yet so I hope it’s good because felt amazing to make it. The collaboration between the 3 of us was one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve had in a really long time.

TeenHollywood: So, I assume it’s a big comedy?

Seth: Hugely physical comedy. Really physically and emotionally taxing. We had a really brutal schedule and the elements were against us. It was freezing cold even though it looked sunny and we’re all wearing summer clothes and shorts in water soaking wet. At least 60% of the film we’re in our underwear. It was a brutal physical experience but that being said, I loved it. I was working with two guys who were fantastic actors, who really focused and worked hard, are funny and are collaborative. And we were all able to do improv and we had more than a week of rehearsal with a director who really understood how valuable that was. It was an all around great experience.