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What to Watch Wednesday (david boreanaz & bones mention)

Monday 13 March 2006, by Webmaster

• The latest Fox show to get the benefit of an Idol boost is Bones (Wednesday, 9 ET/PT) - and few new shows deserve it more than this witty CSI-lite mystery. When the show premiered, the only relationship that really mattered was the romantically charged match of Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz as Bones and Booth. But as the series has progressed, the interaction between the stars and their Scooby gang has blossomed into one of its best assets. In this episode, for example, notice the playful energy the show gets out of Zach’s (Eric Millegan) attempts to bond with Booth, then notice how adeptly it shifts focus to something more touching and real. Cleverly written and increasingly confident, this easy-to-like series merits a lot more attention than it has been given.

• If you’re one of the folks who left Invasion (ABC, 10 p.m. ET/PT) because it wasn’t moving quickly enough, you may want to check back in. The show has been on a plot rush of late, a trend that continues with tonight’s suspenseful, highly sci-fi hour. Family secrets are revealed, villains are unmasked, and the distinction is drawn more deeply between good and bad "hybrids." It is possible that crazy Christina (Elisabeth Moss) is getting more airtime than the character can support - but otherwise, this metaphor-rich adventure is clipping along at a lightning pace.